My amusement morphs into annoyance, and I mutter, “Probably.”
“Be careful, though. I know you’re only messing around, but you know Logan. You don’t want to get on his bad side.”
“One. You’re right. I’m only messing around. And two. Yeah, I know Logan, but he knows me too. And he knows I wouldn’t cross the line.”
“All right,” Theo concedes, tossing the empty protein drink container into the recycle bin beneath the sink. “It’s been a while, man. And with how things played out our senior year…”
“I know.”
“I’m just saying––”
“I know,” I repeat, biting back the swell of emotions thrumming through me as I set my coffee onto the counter and fold my arms.
“You know we’re here for you, right? Me. Logan.”
I stare blankly at the wall behind us, grateful everyone who’d passed out on the couches has already left for the day. I dip my chin. “Yeah. I know.”
“Good. And if you ever wanna talk––”
“I don’t.”
“All right,” he repeats, sensing how close I am to snapping. “I’ll drop it, okay?”
He pauses until I look at him and nod.
Satisfied my feelings aren’t hurt or some shit, he adds, “Good. I’m gonna go find Angela.”
“Ah, so the hookup has a name?” I ask, grateful for the subject change.
“You two exclusive?” I don’t know why I bother to ask. While I’ve only had one solid girlfriend, and it was in high school, Theo’s never cared to have a relationship. Ever. He insists it’s because there’s only one Theo to go around, and it would hurt too many women’s feelings if he was off the market.
I insist he’s a dipshit.
He shakes his head. “Nah. You know me. One and done. Well, except after a workout.”
He winks.
I snort. “Nice. As long as she knows she’s sleeping with a slut––”
“Trust me,” he interrupts with a smirk. “She knew exactly what she was getting out of the deal, and I even paid it forward. Twice.” He stretches his arms over his head, walks toward the hall, and stops to look back at me. “We should do something, though. You. Me. Logan. Like old times.”
“All right. I’m in.”
“Good.” He taps his knuckles on the hallway wall. “See you in a few.”
The light from Logan’s window filters in through the blinds, casting streaks of dark and light lines across his sleeping face. He’s changed so much over the years. But when he’s like this, I can almost transport back in time to when we first met. When things weren’t so complicated. When he wasn’t so busy. When we went out on actual dates instead of scheduling quickies between classes.
I miss those days.
As if he can feel my stare, his eyelids open, and he gives me a sleepy smile.
“Morning,” he croaks.