“I don’t know,” I answer. My attention darts around her face as I try to decipher what she’s thinking, but I can’t.
I don’t fucking know.
I don’t know what happened. I don’t know why she’s asking me this. I don’t know where this came from or why she cares.
We were separated for five minutes. Five fucking minutes, and she’s looking at me like I’m a stranger. Like I’ve disappointed her, and I have no idea how.
“Ash, talk to me,” I beg.
She laughs, but there isn’t any humor in it. “You don’t know who Brooke slept with while you were together?”
“No, I don’t know,” I reiterate.
She searches my eyes, desperate for the truth. When she finds it, the hardness in her gaze softens, and a tear slips down her cheek. Like she isn’t angry anymore. She’s heartbroken. For me.
“You really don’t know?” she whispers.
“She never told me, and I never cared to ask. I was too pissed. I’d just lost my dad––”
“It was Logan.” She sniffs and wipes at her tear-stained cheeks. “He was sleeping with Brooke. He said it’s the only reason you’re with me. Why you wanted me. Because you wanted to get back at him for what he did to you.”
I’d always wondered who had the balls to stab me in the back. Never would’ve expected it to be my best friend. Not that it matters anymore. Or at least, it wouldn’t have if Logan hadn’t wielded his betrayal like a knife so he could hurt Ash with it.
My blood boils as I lean down and press my forehead to hers again, attempting to reel in my rage, but it’s a losing battle. “Listen to me, Ash. And I mean, really listen. I didn’t know. I didn’t know Logan stabbed me in the back. And I sure as shit didn’t start dating you to get back at him. I started dating you because I felt a connection with you. Something I’ve never felt with anyone else in my entire life. And I’ve kept dating you because I care about you. Because I love you. Because you light up my whole world, Sunshine. Do you understand?”
More tears slide down her cheeks, but she nods.
“You promise? You promise you know I’m not using you?”
She nods again and chokes out, “I-I believe you.”
“Okay.” I breathe in deep, but the oxygen does shit to give me clarity. Right now, all I see is red. Pressing a rough kiss to Ash’s lips, I say, “Now, I’m gonna go inside. And I’m gonna have a chat with Logan. But I need you to know it has nothing to do with Brooke. Do you understand me?”
“Don’t go in there,” she begs, reaching for me, but I stay out of her grasp.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
She wraps her arms around my waist and clings to me with all her strength. “No. No, don’t go.”
“He isn’t allowed to make you feel anything less than perfect, Ash. He isn’t allowed to twist our past, and hurt you with it. I have to––”
“Everything all right?” Theo asks, approaching us warily. But he isn’t the only one who looks on edge. Everyone in the front yard is staring at us, their drinks forgotten as they watch the drama unfold right in front of them.
And it’s all Logan’s fault.
I pass Ash to Theo, and he takes her without hesitation as a sob slips out of her.
“Colt! Don’t!”
“Keep her here,” I order Theo.
“Colt!” Ash’s voice cracks, but I ignore her and take the stairs two at a time. Reaching the front porch, I step into the house and scan the main floor. It’s so loud I can barely think straight, let alone register the music as it pulses through the house. My rage is thrumming through my veins and in my eardrums.