“Mm-hmm,” he grunts. The sound rumbles against my ear as he grabs the covers from the opposite side of the bed and flings them over us, turning us into a little burrito. It’s comfortable. And quiet. And absolutely perfect. And when I fall asleep in his arms, I realize I’ve never been happier.
“Hey, Ash?” Colt murmurs against the top of my head.
The morning light is shining through the white curtains in our hotel room, but a quiet peacefulness envelopes us. Like we’re cocooned in a fairytale. One I don’t want to wake up from. Every inch of my body is exhausted from ice skating and making love, but it kind of feels amazing. The comfortable exhaustion. The slight ache as I stretch against Colt like a cat. The low chuckle rumbling from his chest as he drags his fingers along my bare arm.
Soaking up his warmth, I stifle a yawn behind my hand and croak, “Yeah?”
“I need to tell you something.” His voice is still rusty from sleep.
I roll onto my side and peek up at him. “What is it?”
He hesitates and pulls me closer. “I want to be honest.”
“About what?”
“Nothing crazy, but I feel like I should come clean.”
“About?” I prod.
“I lied to you, Sunshine.”
Like a pin to a balloon, the peace encompassing us is popped with five simple words. I push myself away from him, my heart in my throat. He lied to me? When? He can’t be serious. There’s no way. Not after how amazing this weekend has been––hell, the entire time we’ve been dating––would he lie to me. Especially when he knows my trust issues with the opposite sex.
No. No, no, no.
There’s no way.
He wouldn’t lie.
Not to me.
Would he?
“What are you talking about?” I choke out.
“Whoa, Sunshine.” When he sees my fear shining back at him, he cradles the back of my head with his hand and rubs his thumb along my jaw, but I don’t lean into him. “Calm down. I’m not trying to scare you. We’re good. I only want to be transparent with you––”
“Answer the question,” I demand. “When did you lie to me?”
He sighs and drops his hand from my cheek. “When I took you to brunch, and you met my family. I lied.”
I replay the day the best I can, but nothing sticks out to me, which only feeds my insecurities. Because I didn’t spot the lie at the time, which means I must’ve fallen for it.
My voice is nothing but a breath of fear as I pull up whatever defensive walls still exist inside of me and whisper, “When?”
“When we were in the car. I told you meeting my family wasn’t a big deal. It was a big deal.” He runs his calloused fingers against my bare arm again. Softly. Carefully. Like I’m a China doll he wants to protect. “I’ve only brought one other girl home. And even she didn’t really count.”
“Are you serious?” My heart feels like it’s still caught in my throat as I try to calm the hell down. “You scared the shit out of me, Colt!”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” he adds. “I felt like I needed to come clean. Especially after last night.”
Last night.
The last wave of uneasiness seeps from my pores, and I smile at the memory, my muscles melting as I relax against him. “Okaaaay. So, how does she not count?”