Blakely grins back at her. “Only a few.”

With a thud, Mia drops the box into the center of the spare bedroom and wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. “And this, my friends, is why I stick with running. Because weights are a bitch.”

“A bitch that’s awesome,” Blakely argues. “But so is running. Did you sign up for the marathon we talked about the other day?”

After brunch with Blakely, I got her number from Colt and passed it along to Mia and Kate to see what they thought about Blakely renting the spare room. By the time I got home, Mia was cracking up at a TikTok Blakely had sent and gave her stamp of approval. Since then, a group chat was created, and Blakely’s been accepted into the fold like she always belonged here.

“There’s a marathon?” Theo interrupts from the doorway, carrying in Blake’s mattress like it weighs less than a couple grocery bags. He leans it against the door and folds his arms.

“Maybe,” Blakely replies. “I’d invite you to join us, but you don’t run.”

“I don’t need to.”

“Cardio’s good for your body, the same way weights are good for your body,” Blakely points out, tossing a quick glance at Mia to make sure she’s listening.

I almost laugh but choke it back as Theo pushes himself away from the wall and stalks closer to Blakely. “I get my cardio in ways other than running.”

“Such as?”

“I skate, and I fuck.”

Blakely snorts. “Of course, you do. But now that I know they’re on the official approved Teddy regimen, I’ll be sure to give them a try since I’m at college like a big girl.”

“You don’t skate.”

“You’re right.” Blakely clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “I guess I’ll have to focus on the fucking part.”

His gaze drops to her mouth as the curse slips past her lips, leaving Mia and me exchanging glances of curiosity.

Hot damn.

Pretty sure the sparks flying between these two could cause a full-blown inferno.

I’m also pretty sure the two of them are oblivious to Mia and I still standing in the same room with them. Since Theo’s blocking the doorway, we can’t exactly escape or give them privacy, which means…

“Should I pop some popcorn?” Mia mutters under her breath, sidling up next to me.

I swallow back my amusement and wait, unsure where to look or what to say. Theo growls, “You think your brother would let any guy around here within a ten-foot radius of you?”

“You’re within a ten-foot radius of me,” she points out, lifting her chin in defiance.

“Yeah, and I’ll kill anyone who thinks they can get past me to get closer to you.”

She scoffs. “So, what? You’re my own personal bodyguard now?”

“Just like high school,” he confirms.

“It’s funny. I don’t think I saw brooding hockey player slash bodyguard companion on the pamphlet when I signed up for LAU, so I think I’ll pass.” She pats his chest. “Thanks, though.”

He chuckles and steps closer. “You think I’m gonna give you a choice, Blake?”

“I don’t need a bodyguard, and I sure as hell don’t need another brother, Teddy.”

His nostrils flare at the nickname, but he doesn’t comment. “You’re right. What you need is a chastity belt. I’ll see what I can find on eBay.”

“Always a peach. To be fair, I believe you’re the one who felt like enlightening me on your approved cardio activities, so––”

“Yo, Theo!” Colt grunts, his arms full of a nightstand. “Where’ve you been?”