“Thank you,” she chokes out, stroking the bear’s ears softly while the tears fall freely from her swollen eyes. “I think a small part of him loved me a long time ago, but it was replaced with a darkness that even familial ties couldn’t touch, ya know? But I think you’re right.” Her watery gaze pins me in place as she looks up at me. “I love it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. I really do.”
“Then I guess I succeeded.”
With a pathetic laugh, she pushes herself up from the table and walks over to me, throwing her arms around my neck before pulling me in for another kiss. “You definitely succeeded. And once we figure out how to get out of this mess, I’ll show you my gratitude.”
I bounce my eyebrows up and down before pressing a quick kiss to the tip of her nose. “But for now, let’s get you back to bed.”
“Only if you join me.”
With my palm pressed to her lower back, I grin and lead her up the stairs without giving a shit whether or not Embry’s cool with me staying the night. There’s no way in Hell I’m letting this girl out of my sight.
Not now that I can finally call her mine. I just hope I’ll get to keep her after everything goes down tomorrow. But only time will tell.
“Why are we here?” I murmur, keeping my voice low as the waitress guides us to a table in the back of the restaurant.
He’s been acting weird all day. Still sweet and kind, but there’s an edge to him that he can’t shake, and I want to know why.
Jack’s deep chuckle melts a bit of my suspicion, but he doesn’t answer until we’re both tucked next to each other in the same back booth where we had our first date.
“I figured we both earned a little wine and carbs after yesterday. And even though they might not be your guilty pleasures, they can’t hurt, right?”
I laugh and snuggle into his side as a waitress who’s at least sixty appears and takes our orders. It feels like it’s been decades since the last time we were here. Everything is so different now. We spent the morning at Wallace’s house, eating bacon and eggs with our hosts while chatting about everything under the sun with one exception. Reed. Afterward, Jack and I went shopping before he brought me here, to the first restaurant he ever took me.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, ya know,” I tell him.
His eyes are warm as he looks down at me. “Is that right? And why’s that?”
“Because I’m exhausted. You’ve been dragging me around town all day. It’s been amazing, don’t get me wrong, but I would’ve been happy collapsing on a couch and vegging out for the rest of the day.”
“Unfortunately, that wasn’t exactly an option.”
Clearing his throat, a flash of unease overwhelms the warmth in his gaze. “Listen, I need to tell you something.”
My back turns rigid. “What is it, Jack?”
“About today….”
His phone rings, and he pulls it out before cursing under his breath.
“Yeah?” he answers, his gaze glued to mine.
A low voice rumbles through the speaker, but I can’t make out what’s being said or who it belongs to. My brows furrow, and I lean a little closer before Jack replies, “Thanks for letting me know.”
“Yeah. We’ll see you then.”
Then he hangs up the phone and situates it back into his pocket.