Convinced I’ve heard him wrong, I turn to him. “And you’re okay with that?”
“We won’t literally be using her. She’ll never be in the line of fire, and she won’t be documented in any of the conversations. But if she’s what he wants, then it’ll be enough to convince him to meet. We just need to dangle the carrot and all that shit.”
“Reed hasn’t been in contact with Dominic in weeks, though. Who’s to say Reed will even want to chat with him again?”
Dex explains, “Once you’re in custody, Reed will be more arrogant––”
“And more likely to slip up,” Lou interjects from across the room.
“Exactly.” Kingston nods his agreement. “And he wants Q out of the picture because she’s the only loose end that can connect him to Burlone.”
“Except for Dominic,” I point out.
“Which is why this plan will work. But we need you out of the picture too so that Reed will take the bait. And we need you to trust us. Think you can do that?”
Squeezing the back of my neck, I study the men surrounding me while praying I’m not about to make a huge mistake.
“I guess it looks like I have no choice.”
“Get your hands off me,” I seethe. Stephan’s grip is gentle as he pushes me toward the front door of Kingston’s estate, but I dig in my heels for what feels like the thousandth time since he showed up on my doorstep.
I’m a Castello, and unless I’ve been invited to a party where weapons are checked in at the entrance, I’m not stupid enough to think this is going to be a pleasant visit. He can’t honestly think I’m that naive.
An annoyed Stephan drops his hands to his sides. “Will you just get in the damn house, Bianca? I’ve already told you that your brother asked me to bring you here.”
With a glare, I point out, “My brother’s been missing for weeks.”
“He’s been a little…preoccupied,” Stephan offers before tucking his hands into the front pockets of his slacks.
I scoff. “I’m sure he has. But you’ll have to excuse me if I’m not interested in joining him in Hell quite yet.”
I knew it was a bad idea to come to Dex’s gathering. Dominic’s been missing ever since. And even though my brother and I don’t exactly like each other, we’re family. He’s all I’ve got.
“He’s alive,” Stephan informs me with a nonchalance that grates on me.
Still. The words ring in my ears like a siren.
He’s alive? How?
He’s been knee-deep in shit since we were kids. Always sticking his nose in his enemy’s business. Always bartering with things that don’t belong to him. Always poking a bear or tugging on a tiger’s tail until it was only a matter of time before he’d get eaten alive.
But apparently, his luck hasn’t run out quite yet.
Crossing my arms, I weigh my options before pulling on the proverbial mask I’ve grown accustomed to wearing. And even though I hate it, it’s the only card I know how to play. With a coy smile, I sashay toward him and drag my finger along the button of his slacks.
“Listen,” I purr, peeking up at him through my dark, lacquered lashes. “I don’t know what my brother has been up to, but I’d be more than happy to help him make amends.”
He shrugs away from me. “That won’t be necessary.”
“I know what you like, Stephan. I know how much you enjoy it when I––”
“I said that won’t be necessary.” His angled jaw is tight, but I don’t miss the outline of his dick in his pants. He’s hard. For me.