With Ace on his lap, he wraps his arms around her waist, and dives right in. “Jack and I made an agreement a few weeks ago. We would take care of his problem if he’d fill a spot in the Romano ranks. However, after a lot of thought––”

Diece fake coughs into his fist and mutters, “Ace.”

King’s eyes narrow into tiny slits before Ace laughs and presses a quick kiss to Kingston’s cheek. “Ignore him, babe.”

He shakes it off and turns back to me. “We all feel like you should have a choice.” Then his chin dips toward Bianca. “You both should.”

Her fingers squeeze mine as they rest in her lap, but she stays silent.

“What are our options here, King?” I ask.

“Whatever you want them to be. Consider it a wedding gift, instead of a debt. You owe me nothing.”

“W-what are you saying?” Bianca whispers.

“I’m saying that there aren’t any strings attached to Reed’s death. If you’d like to become a soldier, the offer’s still there, but if you’d like to ride off into the sunset and flip burgers for all I care, that’s an option too. My only condition is that you can’t change your mind. Once you make a decision, it’s for life. The only way out is death. We clear?”

I glance over at Bianca, but she’s a damn vault. I have no idea what she’s thinking or what she wants to do. Even though he’s given us a way out, I’ve made up my mind. I know what I want. But this isn’t my decision, and if it ever came down to Bianca or the Romano family, I’d choose Bianca in a heartbeat. Which means her and I need to have a little chat.

“How long do we have to think about it?” I ask Kingston.

He shrugs. “The end of the day. You can stay in the same room as before. Ace had your sheets cleaned.”

“And fresh towels are in the bathroom,” Ace adds with a shit-eating grin. You’d think it was Christmas morning with how excited she is that we’re visiting. “Why don’t you guys have a little talk and then let us know what you think?”

I look back down at Bianca, and she lets out a slow breath before pushing herself to her feet. I join her, then turn to Kingston. “Thank you. We’ll let you know.”

He lifts his chin, clearly dismissing us.

We make it two steps toward the stairs when Ace adds, “For what it’s worth, my vote is that you should stay. I kind of like having you around.”

Kingston’s arms tighten around her torso as a low growl escapes him, but Ace just laughs before giving him another peck on the cheek. “Calm down, Romeo. I just meant that it was starting to feel like we had a family before he left, and I’ve missed him like a brother. For a girl who’s never had a family, I kind of love it.” Then Ace pins Bianca with her piercing gaze. “And I wouldn’t mind claiming another sister, either. Just sayin’.”

“Careful, Ace. Now, I’m getting jealous,” Regina quips before winking at Bianca. “I’m totally kidding. I’d love for you to stay too. Life was way too boring when I was the only girl in this house. We need some more estrogen up in here.”

Like a ping-pong ball, Bianca’s gaze bounces around the room before she blurts out, “Do you all live here?”

“We have our own places,” Diece explains with Regina by his side. “But we’re here more often than not. The girls get bored when we’re gone, and there’s enough space for everyone so…why not, right?”

“And you’d be okay with us being here all the time?” Bianca asks. It’s like the idea of people enjoying her company is so foreign that she can’t quite grasp the concept.

“You can be real here,” Ace tells her. “It makes it one of the best places in the world.”

“Even with all the guns and knives tucked in every cabinet,” Q quips with a grin.

“Let them talk,” Kingston interrupts, lifting his chin toward the stairs. “Take your time.”

“Thanks, King,” I repeat. “We’ll let you know.”

With our fingers laced together, I lead Bianca up the stairs and down the hall to our right before pushing open a door at the end of it. The place is more like a small apartment than a single bedroom. With a fireplace, master bathroom, king-size bed, and reading nook, along with a small kitchenette near the back wall, it’s more space than I could ever need. But I also know Bianca’s taste, and this is far from it. She prefers a modern flair while Kingston’s used to dark colors and curvy furniture.

“So, what do you think, Bianca? I know it’s not exactly––”

“It’s perfect,” she breathes.

I pull her into my arms, then rest my head on top of hers, breathing in her familiar scent that isn’t laced with any artificial perfume. It’s all her. And it’s all heaven.

“I’ve never had a family,” she whispers. “Not really.”