With a giggle, I concede, “Touché. It’ll definitely be interesting. I’ve been so isolated from everyone that I don’t really know what to expect, either. I’ve only heard stories.”

“Yeah. Kingston said there’ll be wine, finger foods, and business suits. And that my mind will be spinning by the end of it. Oh! And he said that I shouldn’t stress if I don’t remember anyone’s name by the end of it because—”

“Because you’re Kingston’s future wife, and they’ll be too afraid to correct you,” I quip with a smile.

Blushing, she waves me off. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“Uh…you don’t know how the families work. It’s all about marriage, and connections, and business deals, and blah, blah, blah. Just make sure you don’t let Kingston out of your sight. Until you put a ring on his finger, the sharks will still consider him free game and will be circling him like a bunch of hungry piranhas.”

Her eyes widen. “What do you mean?”

“These gatherings are also a prime event for finding spouses, which is why I’ve never really cared whether I was invited to attend. It’s also why I wasn’t invited, now that I think about it.” I laugh. “My dad didn’t want me to come out until it was on the arm of my future husband.”

“Well…I mean…Dex will be there, too, right?” Ace offers, trying to look at the bright side.

“Yeah. And he’ll be seen as fresh meat. Most of the girls wouldn’t even dream of ending up with a mob boss. But a sexy soldier like Dex is definitely within their reach.” I sigh before running my fingers through my hair all over again. Ace grabs my hands to stop them from fussing and gives me a quick squeeze to make sure she has my attention.

“Be patient, G. I already told you—”

“I know! But…part of me wonders if that’s Kingston’s plan. To introduce him to a bunch of eligible bachelorettes on a smorgasbord, and he can go crazy with whoever he wants. What if….” I blink back my emotions. “What if he forgets about me or realizes that he could have any girl in that room?”

“Gigi,” she sighs. “Don’t think about it like that. Dex would be lucky to have you, and I know for a fact that he wants you and only you. Don’t shrug off his feelings just because you’re scared about how strongly you feel for him.”

If my feelings are that apparent to her, then why can’t my brother see it?

“I’ll try, Ace. I promise I’ll try.”

“Good. And if shit hits the fan downstairs, I’ve got your back.”


The bustle from the main floor filters into my suite, amplifying my nerves all over again.

“You ready to go?” Ace asks, watching me closely.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good. Because now that you’ve mentioned the sharks, I’m a little worried to leave Kingston down there by himself.”

I laugh. “Trust me. You have nothing to worry about. He only has eyes for you.”

“And Dex only has eyes for you,” she counters.

“I guess we’ll see.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


My deep red heels match my sleeveless dress perfectly, and I find myself thanking the designer gods who were smart enough to add a slit that reaches my mid-thigh. Without it, there’s no way I’d be able to walk down the stairs from my room to the first floor. My hand clutches Ace’s as I feel multiple sets of eyes on me. With my gaze glued to my red heels, I take a deep breath.

I can’t decide if they’re looking at me, the princess of the Romano family, or if they’re looking at Ace, the woman who captured the Dark King’s heart. Or maybe I’m imagining their stares all together, and it’s entirely in my head. I chance a glance toward a long table that’s tucked against the wall where a group of guests has congregated together. Each and every one of them is turned in our direction. Some have open curiosity in their gazes. Others seem unamused with our presence. And a few look like they’ve eaten something sour.

When I see Dex’s face mingled with the rest, my steps falter. A girl is clinging to his forearm like a little monkey as she throws her head back, laughing.

My spine straightens as I debate on running back to my room when Ace’s grip tightens.

“He’s not interested in her, G. He’s staring at you.”