“It won’t. It’s going to play out the way we need it to, King. We got this.”

Rounding the corner, I see Ace through the patio doors that lead to the balcony. It’s cool for this time of night, and I watch from a short distance as she enjoys it firsthand. A gentle breeze sways her long, silky hair, and a soft smile graces her lips while she takes in the view of the whole city painted in darkness and the golden lights twinkling. Her skin is almost glowing a soft ivory from the alabaster moonlight as she lifts the nearly empty glass of wine to her cherry red lips and takes a final sip.

“Lucky bastard,” D mumbles next to me. “Go tell her it’s time to go and keep me updated. Me and a few of the men will be hanging out near Burlone’s place in case anything gets out of hand.”

I nod, unable to take my eyes off my Wild Card.

With a pat on the back, D adds, “We’ve been in stickier situations before, King. We’ll get out of this one too.”

“It’s not me that I’m worried about.”

He follows my gaze as it lands on Ace as she stares up at the full moon hanging in the cloudless sky.

“She’s strong, King. The other men in that room need to fear you, and you need to make them. You can’t let her presence soften you tonight. You need to be the Dark King. Do you think you can do that with her there?”

“I don’t think I have a choice.”

“You don’t. But I can guarantee she’ll still love you after. Even if she does end up getting a front-row seat to the Dark King in action. Understand?”

With a nod, I take a step toward my girl and toss over my shoulder, “Yeah. I got it.”

* * *

The need to hold Ace is overwhelming. It’s as if I’m missing a limb anytime she isn’t near, and right now, the ache is staggering. I felt like I almost lost her when she admitted her connection to the FBI. And, though I’d chosen to trust her, I still wasn’t sure if I’d regret it when she convinced me to meet Jack. But now that everything is set into motion, and the future is imminent, I can’t help but feel like I need to cherish every moment with her because I don’t know if it’ll be our last.

“Hey, Wild Card,” I murmur as a gust of wind nearly topples her over. Her fingers run against the frayed Allegretti cards in her hand, and I have no doubt she was lost in her memories before I interrupted her.

“Hey, you.” She smiles before tucking the worn deck into her clutch and wrapping her cool arms around me. Her skin has pebbled from being out here too long, and I rub my hands up and down her bare arms to heat her up.

“You’re freezing. How long have you been out here?”

“A while,” she admits, her cheeks turning rosy. “But I feel like as soon as I step inside, it’ll be time to go. And I’m not ready.”

My eyes seek out the clutch that now holds those same weathered cards, and I sigh.

“You scared, babe?”

I don’t know why I ask. I already know the answer. Of course, she’s scared. She’d be a fool not to be. She’s willingly putting her life on the line. For me. For my sister. For the Romano family.

Laying her head against my chest, she takes a slow breath as a horn blares in the distance. I take the opportunity to pull her closer, linking my fingers against her lower back.

“I don’t want you to get hurt,” she admits on a sigh.

“Me?” I laugh, dryly. “You’re worried about me?”

“Of course, I’m worried about you,” she argues into my suit with her head still tucked against me. “I love you, King. Imagining a life without you is…” She sniffles. “It’s crippling.”

The three words hit like a sucker punch, but I restrain myself from falling on my ass. It’s funny. I didn’t think I was capable of love. Sure, I care for my sister and my men. But love? My muscles tense as I squeeze her tighter.

“Then don’t imagine it, Ace. Picture this as a poker hand. We’re all surrounding the table and have placed our bets, but Burlone doesn’t know about the final card we’ve slipped to the dealer that guarantees a royal flush. He doesn’t know that his cocky little grin is about to be wiped off his face tonight by the time the final card is played. I’ve put all the pieces in place, Ace. Now we just have to stay strong and not fold. Even if it’s scary as hell.”

With her arms resting against my chest, she looks up at me and whispers, “You’re sexy when you talk poker.”

I laugh, remembering the first night I’d told her the same thing. “Is that right?”

“Uh-huh. Now kiss me, King. Let me steal a little of your bravery.”

Leaning closer, I whisper against her lips, “Anytime, Ace.” Then I kiss her. It’s soft and slow. A reminder to her that I’m not the monster she’s likely to meet tonight. I’m King. Her King.