“Well, then…I’m not folding this hand. Are you?”
I take another peek at my cards, seeing I have nothing, but I decide to play along anyway because, like he said, I’d be an idiot to fold.
Placing another card face-up in the center of the table, I school my features. If we were playing with chips, there’s no way I’d stay in, but I’m curious to see how he plays against me when there’s something he wants on the line.
After a fifth card is placed next to the other four, I look up to find Kingston watching me closely.
“Would you like to make a guess at what I’m holding?” I ask, batting my eyes.
“Two of a kind?”
I flip my cards over to show he’s wrong; I’ve got nothing. “Nope.”
With a shrug, he slides his arms out of his jacket then tugs his tie over his head before showing me his cards. “I still won the hand, Ace.” He shows me a pair of sixes. “Now take off your shirt. There’s way too much clothing covering that beautiful skin.”
Tsking, I shake my head then take off my shoes. “Sorry, Kingston. I didn’t fold, which means you don’t get to choose what I take off.”
“Fiiine,” he whines before winking at me. “Deal another hand; we need to get you naked.”
Laughing, I do as I’m told and give us our cards then put three in the center.
“Folding?” I ask.
“Fuck, no.”
My mouth lifts, but I add a couple more cards to the community pile to move things along.
“I have a guess,” I say, pinning him with my stare.
“Three of a kind.”
A mock-outraged Kingston tosses his cards into the center of the table before throwing his hands into the air. “How the hell did you know that?” he laughs.
“Lucky guess.” I wink. “But maybe you should try not grinning like a loon when the cards are flipped over.”
“Good point.” He slides his belt through the loops and drops it to the ground. “One of these times, I’m going to fool you, Wild Card. And you’re going to rue the day you ever challenged me.”
Again, I just laugh, soaking up the easy connection we have and how much lighter I feel when I’m around him. “Not likely, but I appreciate your work ethic.”
Shaking his head, he gathers the cards and begins shuffling. “One day, Ace. One day.”
We continue playing, laughing, shouting in outrage, and licking our lips as more items of clothing disappear from our bodies until we’re in nothing but our underwear.
I have to give Kingston props; he’s getting better. He’s learning what to look for and how to hide his emotions even better than before. Although part of me wonders if his true feelings come to the surface anytime we’re around each other, and that he’ll have an easier time keeping them in check when he plays against Burlone. Especially when I consider what Diece mentioned when we went grocery shopping––how Kingston is different around me. Softer.
But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
When I look at my cards, I pull my lips into a thin line to keep from smiling. Two kings. Effortlessly, Kingston lines up three cards onto the table face-up. Two aces and a six, which gives me a two-pair. We don’t bother asking if either of us is folding because we haven’t the entire evening.
I can feel King watching me as he flips over the final two cards. Another ace and a seven which gives me a full house.
“I have a guess,” Kingston says with a confident grin.