I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves then take the opportunity to get a closer look at the girls around the table. When I find Gigi looking at me with the same shock written on her face as I’m sure is written on mine, I want to cry all over again.

“It’s okay,” I mouth to her in an attempt to appear unfazed by the entire ordeal. I have no doubt she can see right through me.

She blinks rapidly in response, holding back a fresh set of tears. But she doesn’t say anything. Who knows? With the hell she’s been through, maybe she’s too afraid to try.

Chapter Twenty-One


“Gentlemen, I’m glad you could all make it,” Burlone starts, distracting me from Gigi’s terrified expression. His voice brings back haunting memories every time I hear it, and I have to fight my knees from buckling as the horrific memories hit for the thousandth time since this whole thing started.

“Now, as you all know, the rules are a simple winner takes all format. However, while I’ve been gracious enough to prepare your women for you, none of you have compensated me for my efforts in acquiring them. Instead, you requested to pay in person this evening before the official tournament started. As you all know, this is highly irregular, but I’ve been generous enough to comply. Well, gentlemen, the time has arrived. Now, if you will…” His voice trails off as he motions to the table, silently asking the slimy assholes willing to sell and buy women sitting around the table to pay up.

No one moves a muscle.

With my heart racing, I wait to see Kingston’s move. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, and the ball is officially in his court. Our court. When Kingston doesn’t do anything, curiosity gets the best of me, and I look around the room to find I’m not the only one anxious to see how this is going to play out. Every man is staring at Kingston too. I’d give anything to see his face right now, but I can’t, so I’ll have to settle for Burlone’s.

His big, bushy eyebrows are furrowed as he looks at his associates who are all frozen in their places.

“I’m sorry, were those instructions confusing? I mean, I know there’s an open bar and all but––” He chuckles awkwardly at his pathetic joke while the rest of the room stays motionless.

“You’re awfully insistent we pay up,” one man mutters under his breath. If it’d been in any other situation, I’m sure he could’ve kept his comment to himself. Unfortunately for him, the room is so silent that his quiet voice is easily understood.

With his salt and pepper hair slicked back, the stranger is busy fiddling with his hands as his gaze springs around the room in search of backup before landing firmly on Kingston who still hasn’t moved a muscle. Clearly, he’s biding his time. I just don’t know what he’s waiting for, but I trust him enough to know that when the opportunity presents itself, he’ll step forward and state his case. A swarm of nervous bats ravages my stomach as Burlone’s eyes darken.

“Excuse me?” Burlone scoffs. “Dex, escort Mr. Carbonne from the premises. It seems he’s misunderstood the dynamic of our relationship. But don’t worry, I’m sure we can find a way to rectify that as quickly as possible with a little persuasion.” The threat is clear, especially since Dex has always been the muscle for Burlone. The one to educate Burlone’s enemies with his fists. Two weeks ago, I got a lesson firsthand, and the recovery was a bitch. Gingerly, I touch my rib cage that’s still slightly bruised and hurts when I breathe in too deeply. I know he’s supposedly on our side, but it doesn’t stop the shiver from racing through me at the memory of our one-on-one encounter. I’m not sure if I’ll ever truly trust him, but Kingston has chosen to, and I’ll trust him with my life.

Mr. Carbonne, however, gulps loudly before tugging on the collar of his button-up as if it’s choking him. I want to laugh at the irony since the girl behind him is literally wearing a collar too, just like the rest of us women in the room.

Asshole. Kind of sucks being threatened, doesn’t it?

I place my sweaty palm back on Kingston’s shoulder. His muscles tense beneath his shirt as he waits with bated breath to see how Dex responds to Burlone’s orders. I catch myself holding my breath too. This is the moment. The one that tells us if we’re going to be slaughtered tonight, or if we have a chance to pull this off. Because without Dex? We’re screwed.

From the shadows, I hear his gruff voice that makes me break out into a sweat from the first time I met him. “Apologies, Mr. Allegretti. But I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“Excuse me?” Burlone turns in his seat with a glare, searching for Dex around the perimeter of the room.

Digging my teeth into my lower lip, I find Dex in the corner with a handgun resting by his side and a casual I-don’t-give-a-shit expression painted across his face. It’s still hard for me to look him in the eye when the last time I saw him, his fist was connecting with the side of my face. Over and over again. But Kingston reassured me we could trust him, so I’m here, praying it isn’t a mistake. By the look on his smug face, I’d say we made the right choice.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Burlone grits out with a narrowed gaze.

“Nothing.” Dex shrugs. “Just making sure to keep everything in check, which means Mr. Carbonne gets to stay here for a bit longer.”

“Have you forgotten your place, Dex?”

“No, I’ve found it,” he returns, looking at Kingston for a split second. But it’s long enough for Burlone to start piecing things together. His mouth opens in disbelief.

“Sei!” Burlone shouts. His neck snaps to the front as he searches for his other loyal soldier.

“I’m afraid Sei’s not available at the moment,” Dex adds conversationally. “And neither are the rest of your men.”

“What the fuck did you do?”

“Just taking out the trash, Burlone. And those that didn’t need my assistance in disappearing were generously compensated. I’m sure you understand,” Dex replies before motioning to Kingston. “Boss, I think now would be a great time to step in.”

Kingston chuckles darkly, gaining the attention of everyone in the room as the spotlight shifts from one man to another. I don’t miss the way Dex calls him boss, and I’m positive everyone else here heard it loud and clear too.

“I dunno, Dex. I think this is rather entertaining, don’t you?” Kingston finally voices. I know this isn’t the time or the place, but the confidence he’s exuding is sexy as hell. My fingers trail along his neck before finding their place back on his shoulder, my spine straightening.