“Better not be what it looks like, Wild Card, or you’d put me in a pretty messed up situation,” Kingston spits, his gaze narrowing in suspicion.
“Boss,” D murmurs, his tone heavy.
I look over at him to see his hand resting near the Glock I know is tucked behind his suit jacket.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Start talking, Ace. Now.” The steeliness in Kingston’s voice surprises me, making me flinch.
“Do you really think I’d betray you?” I whisper. My feet seem to have lost all desire for self-preservation as they take a cautious step toward him. If I can just touch him. If I can make him see that it’s me he’s glaring at, and not the enemy, then I might be able to bring my Kingston back to the room instead of the stranger who’s glaring at me like I’m a double agent.
With his spine made of steel, he watches me warily but doesn’t move a muscle. “I told you to start talking, and I suggest you don’t make me ask twice.”
My feet stop their pursuit. Shit. He’s pissed. As I release a shaky breath, I look over my shoulder and address Diece. “Do you remember the grocery store?”
Fists clenching, he gives me a jerky nod.
“You saw Jack there. He approached me—” The news pulls a roar from Kingston’s chest, and I raise my hand in a silent plea. After shaking his head in disgust, he quiets down long enough for me to continue. “I didn’t know he was going to be there. I promise, Kingston. I need you to trust me right now.” Roughly, the palms of his hands rub against his face, but he remains silent, so I press on. “Jack thought I was in danger and gave me his card. I promise you that I had no idea who Jack was, or that he’s been undercover. I met him at Sin, and then he just…started popping up places. For some reason I still don’t really understand, he was trying to look out for me, and when I disappeared, he lost it. Then he saw me in the store with D––which was completely coincidental––and gave me his card. He told me that if I ever need anything from him, he’s here to help, but I promise you that I would never tell him anything, Kingston. Ever. Not unless I spoke with you first, and we both agreed it was in our best interest, and after what you’ve just told me, I think it might be.”
The silence in the room is so thick that my lungs struggle to breathe, my chest constricting in agony as I watch the man I’ve fallen for observing me so coldly.
With a tense voice, he continues his interrogation. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Because he’s only doing his job, and I didn’t want him to get hurt. A-and I didn’t want you to look at me the way you’re looking at me right now,” I confide before dropping my gaze down to my bare feet.
“D,” Kingston barks. “Out. Now.”
The door opens then closes with a soft click seconds later, and I’m left with the most powerful man I’ve ever met who’s making me feel like his enemy when I’m supposed to be on his team.
“Sit.” My neck snaps up to see him leaning against the desk with his ankles crossed and a frown firmly in place.
I gulp before taking a seat on the chair opposite him. With my butt on the edge, I wait for him to say something. Anything.
“Do you know what a connection like this looks like?” he asks in a lethal tone.
Peeking up at him, I nod.
“Do you know what kind of position this puts me in?”
Again, I nod.
“Do you know what I should do with this information?”
I squeeze my eyes shut only to hear his hand slam against the top of his desk, making me jump for the third time in five minutes.
“Answer me,” he growls.
“Then tell me why you think I shouldn’t. If it were anyone else in this room with a card like that, they’d already be dead. Why should I treat you any different?”
The image he paints steals my breath. If I ever wanted to truly see how strongly he feels about me, it seems like now is the perfect opportunity.
Licking my lips, I chance another glance up at him. His eyes are hooded and pitch black. His fists are tight in barely restrained anger. And his muscles are bunching beneath his shirt like a damn tiger who’s been cornered. This is the Dark King. And I’m challenging him.