“Yeah. And it’s a good thing too.” Dropping his chin, he motions to the letter. “Read it. Then you can decide what you want to do with Burlone’s right-hand man.”

“Is that how we’re classifying him? Or should we address the fact that he’s your brother?”

With a sigh, he nods. “And my brother.”

Satisfied, I unfold the cream piece of paper and start reading. My breath gets caught in my throat as I scan the message a dozen times, confusion knotting my stomach.

Hey King, It’s me. First– I’m so sorry I snuck out. I screwed up, and that’s on me. But I want you to know I’m okay. Please don’t shoot Dex! He’s been watching over me. He’s been taking care of me. He’s been really good to me, King. He’s not like the other men. I know you’d kill me if I were in front of you right now, but I really care about him, and I’m begging you to give him a chance. He wants to get BOTH of us out of this situation and has information from Burlone that the tournament is a trap. I’m sure you’ve already been able to guess that would be the case, but Dex can confirm it. You can’t go. I don’t care if I’m sold or…whatever the plans are for me. Burlone is going to kill you if you show up, and I can’t let that happen. Especially because if I had listened to you, I wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. Just be careful, okay? And listen to Dex. He’s the only shot we have.

Love you,


Looking up at my best friend with my heart in my throat, I ask, “Did you read this?”


“And do you believe it?”

“It’s her handwriting, King. And let’s be honest, no one could make that girl do something she didn’t want to do. Plus, remember the picture from Burlone’s email? Her expression didn’t make sense. But now—”

“Now that she’s admitted she’s fallen for her captor?” I shake my head. Count on Regina to screw up so monumentally that I don’t even know what to do with the situation. However, the image of her from Burlone’s email comes to mind, and I try to analyze it from a different perspective. My fists tighten at my sides, crumpling the paper into a ball as I realize that my sister did indeed write the letter, and she did indeed fall for him as well.


Apparently, I need to Google Stockholm Syndrome. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Reading my expression, Diece grimaces. “Yeah. It makes sense why she wouldn’t look terrified, ya know?”

“Do you think Dex cares about her, as well? Or is he just after her virginity? Or is this just a trap, and you’re playing right into his hands?”

“Give me a little more credit, King,” Diece seethes. “It makes sense why Dex would approach us to save her. Why he’d risk his own life––along with Burlone’s retribution if he ever found out––to keep her safe.”

Tapping my finger against my chin, I look at my right-hand man. “Do you trust him?”

“I don’t know,” D responds gruffly. “He seems genuine, but maybe my judgment is clouded because I’ve wanted him to be a Romano since I was twelve and saw him drive off with his mom. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part that he’s changed. Regardless, I think you need to hear him out and decide for yourself.”

With a wave, I motion for him to invite Dex inside.

Seconds later, a man who looks eerily similar to my best friend steps into my office with his hands tucked into his slacks and his shoulders hunched.

“Take a seat,” I offer, dropping my gaze to the chair adjacent to my desk.


“What do you know about me?”


“Enough to know that I’m pretty fucking good at being able to tell if someone is telling the truth or not?”

He holds my stare. “Yeah. I may have heard that.”

“Then let’s cut the shit, shall we? Did you fuck my sister?”

With a slight flinch at my derogatory term, he murmurs, “Yes.”
