“So, what are you saying?” I whisper, feeling like my entire life is spinning out of control, and I can’t do anything to stop it.
“I’m saying that you’ll be staying here for a while,” he repeats. His tone brooks no argument, but I can’t help myself.
“And I don’t get a say in the matter? It might be a shitty apartment, King, but it’s still my home.”
His jaw appears to be made of stone when he looks me straight in the eye and says, “Not anymore, it’s not.”
There’s a callousness to his comment that burns. It pisses me off, making me feel like what I want doesn’t matter. And part of me hates him for it. I’m not going to be owned by someone who doesn’t take my feelings into account. In fact, I’m not going to be owned by anyone.
Looking at D, I plead with my eyes for him to step in. To say something––anything––that will change Kingston’s mind. I’m not ready for my entire life to be turned upside down any more than it already has.
D shakes his head, then casts his eyes to the ground, sealing my fate.
I turn to Kingston and fold my arms in an attempt to contain my anger.
“Well, do I at least get the chance to grab a few of my things? It’s not like I can wear your wardrobe, King.”
Lazily, his eyes scan me up and down, taking in his dress shirt he let me borrow last night that reaches my knees.
“King!” I snap my fingers to get his attention.
Looking up at me, he smirks.
“I’m serious. I need to go to my apartment, and I need to talk to one of my friends who will be worried about me if I don’t explain where I am.” King opens his mouth to argue when I cut him off, my eyes shooting daggers at him as I stare him down. “You can’t just lock me up and throw away the key. If you do, then you’re not any better than Burlone.”
As soon as the insult is thrown, I wish I could take it back. Kingston flinches like my verbal assault is a physical one before turning to D with a blank expression.
“Help her get her shit from her place, but be back within an hour.” Turning to me, he adds, “If you try anything, I will find you, and I will bring you back here. I don’t care if you’re kicking and screaming the entire way. We’re done playing by your rules. Now, we’re playing by mine.”
Then he looks down at the paperwork tossed haphazardly across his desk, officially dismissing us. But the guilt and anger tag along too.
Chapter Three
“Didn’t think you’d have a bitchy side,” D notes as we walk side by side to his car.
Bristling, I ask, “Excuse me?”
With a tilt of his chin toward the house, he responds, “That back there? Kinda bitchy.” Somehow, he finds a way to sound amused yet disappointed at the same time. And I might’ve detected a hint of pride too, but maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part.
When we get to his black sedan, he opens the passenger side, letting me slide in. Before he can close the door, I defend myself. “I wasn’t being bitchy. I was being honest. He doesn’t own me, D.”
He doesn’t. I’ll never be owned or controlled by anyone again. I refuse to. Even when it hurts someone I’m really starting to care about. Someone who dropped everything to take care of me. Who let me sleep in his bed last night. Who wants to keep me safe.
Dammit, I’m kind of a bitch for snapping at him.
With a look of pity, he shakes his head. “Trust me, Ace. He knows that, I know that, and you know that. If anything, I’d say it’s the other way around.” He closes the door before I have a chance to reply then walks around to his side and gets behind the wheel.
Exasperated, I continue the conversation he’s clearly trying to end. “Then why would he try to use his authority on me like that? He can’t just order me around. It hits too close to home and how I was raised. I won’t step into another relationship like that. I can’t.”
He starts the car then backs out of the driveway and pulls onto the main street while I anxiously wait for his response.
“You’re not the only one that was affected by their upbringing, Ace. His mom was murdered when he was a little kid. Collateral damage for a deal gone wrong. After that, his dad locked Regina up, never letting her out of the estate because he was so terrified something would happen to her too. Then he died, and King took over the role as the head of the family. The first thing he did was give Regina some space. He wanted to give her the freedom she was craving and look what happened. She’s been taken too. You can’t blame him for being scared to let you out of his sight.” He glances over at me and scans my face before turning his eyes back to the road. “Especially when you look like that.”
Raising my hand, I gingerly touch the inflamed skin, flinching when I put too much pressure on my cheekbone.