“You want the truth?” His voice is hushed, vulnerable, and so freaking heartbreaking. “I’m scared, Ace.”
When a big, brooding man like Kingston admits he’s scared, you know there’s trouble. And I also know there isn’t anything I can do about it but stand by his side as he faces whatever demons are haunting him. Haunting us.
“Me too,” I breathe.
Looking down at me, he continues to play with my hair, and the rhythmic action seems to calm me.
“Why would you agree to be part of this insanity? Why would you let me use you to save my sister?”
“You’re not using me—”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing, Ace. And it guts me every time I think about it.”
“I trust you.”
“So?” A furious Kingston pushes off the bed and starts pacing the floor like a caged lion. I’d be scared if I didn’t know him like I do. “Your trust doesn’t mean I’m going to beat Burlone. It doesn’t counter the fact that I’ll likely get killed as soon as I step foot in there regardless of the rules set in place to prevent that. I just put a plan in motion that’s a huge risk, Ace. And if it turns bad, then I won’t be able to protect you. I won’t be able to save my sister.” He digs his fingers through the roots of his dark hair. “Sometimes, I feel like I should’ve never intervened with Burlone’s plans to frame the Romano family for human trafficking. I’d rather rot in prison for a crime I didn’t commit than let the people I care about get caught in the crosshairs.”
“Kingston. You are not going to let this family down. You are not going to fail. And you sure as hell aren’t going to let Burlone touch your sister, or me, or even Gigi. I know you. And I know that whatever plan you’ve set into motion is going to work. It might be risky, but it’s going to knock Burlone on his ass. I guarantee it.”
Looking down at me as I lay on the mattress, he remains silent, so I push a little harder. “I’m smart, King. You’ve said so yourself. Do you really think I’d put my life on the line if I didn’t know you’d be able to keep me safe?”
The look in his eyes says it all, and I know without a doubt that I’m right. The man in front of me would do anything to protect the people he cares about. And that includes me.
I slide out from beneath the sheets in nothing but a t-shirt and boy shorts like a woman on a mission as I approach him––the man who swept into my life unannounced and turned it upside down. His gaze eats me up as I saunter toward him with swaying hips. Slowly, my fingers begin unbuttoning his dress shirt from top to bottom, revealing inch after inch of tanned muscles I want to lick. Once his chest is bare before me, I peek up at him, dragging my hands against his warm skin then wrap my arms around his neck and whisper, “In fact, I think it’s about time I thank you for it.”
“I haven’t saved you yet, Ace,” he growls, grabbing my wrists and preventing their pursuit.
I run my lips against the scruff of his jaw. They pull into a smile when his facial hair tickles the sensitive skin, and I realize how happy this man makes me. How safe I feel, despite the shitty circumstances, when I’m with him.
Sighing in contentment, I murmur, “That’s where you’re wrong. You have saved me. From a life full of loneliness, rules, and paranoia. You don’t know how often I used to look over my shoulder, wondering if I was being followed. If I was safe. If Burlone was going to hurt me again.”
I tug my wrist from his grasp and rest my finger against his mouth as his lips pull into a thin line. “Shh…let me finish.”
With a gasp, I feel his tongue swirl around the tip before he gives me a single nod that grants me permission to continue.
I laugh. “So bossy. All I’m saying is that I know you’ll keep me safe. I know you’ll figure this shit out. I know that you can talk to me when you’re hurting or afraid. And I know that I’m starting to fall for––” My mouth snaps shut. Nope. I think that’s enough honesty for one day, and I sure as hell am not going to be the first to reveal my feelings in this relationship. He might’ve claimed me as his, but we haven’t said any words. And that won’t be changing anytime soon.
With a growl, he wraps his arms around my waist and throws me onto the bed. I’m squealing as soon as my feet are lifted from the ground, but it’s quickly transformed into a laugh when my back hits the bed, and Kingston joins me by using his body weight to press me into the mattress.
Caging me in with his arms while lying on top of me, he starts running his nose from my jaw up to my temple then whispers, “You’re pretty irresistible when you’re honest. Did you know that?”
I keep my lips zipped.
“Come on, Ace. You were doing so well. Maybe you could stroke my ego for just a little bit longer by finishing that statement.”
“I can think of one thing I’d be willing to stroke,” I offer, batting my eyes innocently at him.
With a chuckle, Kingston bites my earlobe enough to make me squeak. I wiggle beneath him in an attempt to get away from his delicious torture. But I don’t get very far before he stops teasing and starts playing me like a damn violin, making me hit every note he wants with ease.
Moaning, I spread my legs and let him take the lead, pleasuring me in the way only he’s capable of. I watch as he drifts down my body before sticking his thumbs into the hem of my boyshorts and sliding them down my legs. Once I’m bare to him, he peppers kisses along my inner thighs, spreading me wide.
I don’t fight it. I couldn’t if I wanted to.
Again, he takes his time teasing me with a touch of his tongue and a flick of his fingers until my back is arching off the mattress, and my hands are tangled in the sheets.
“Please, Kingston. Please. I need you,” I whimper as he continues his assault with his mouth.