Waking up in King’s bed is nothing short of surreal. Last night, he picked me up, carried me to his bed, and laid me down on his mattress, then dropped a quick kiss to my head, telling me to get some rest and that he’d be back in a little while.
With tired eyes, I look around the expansive room with its gorgeous furniture and open windows. Dark wood. Dark sheets. Dark curtains. It’s gorgeous. Just like the man who lives here. Attempting to sit up, I collapse seconds later. My whole body is sore from my encounter with Burlone’s guy, but the silky sheets enveloping me are almost enough to compensate for the pain.
I turn on my side to see the other half of the giant bed empty. Reaching over, I feel the sheets to see if they’re still warm, but the cool sensation confirms my suspicion. He didn’t come to bed last night, and I can’t blame him. Not when his sister is in the hands of a monster like Burlone. My gut swirls at the thought as memories of my childhood resurface for what feels like the thousandth time in the last twenty-four hours. Releasing a slow breath, I try again, sitting up and scooting my legs over the side of the bed.
My ribs are throbbing, but King confirmed nothing’s broken, saying that whoever beat the hell out of me took it easy.
Still hurts like hell, though.
I roll my eyes at the thought and touch my feet to the floor before making my way down the hall in search of the elusive Kingston.
As I approach his office, I overhear him and D talking about me in muffled voices. Hesitating, I lick my lips then knock on the open door to grab their attention.
Two pairs of eyes dart to me, and their conversation ceases.
“Hi.” Awkwardly, I wave my bandaged hand at them.
With a laugh, an amused Kingston motions me to come in. “How’d you sleep?”
My feet pause in their pursuit. Before, I’d been escorted from his office as if I were trespassing, and now I’m being invited inside? I shrug off my confusion and shuffle across the threshold.
“Better than you. Did you come to bed at all?” If the bags under his eyes are anything to go by, I’d say no.
“I needed to finish up some stuff and get a game plan together.”
“And what’s your game plan?”
D grimaces but doesn’t say anything, leaving Kingston to fill me in. His dark green stare pins me in place before he offers a half-assed apology. “Sorry, Ace, but it’s family business.”
So help me…I thought we’d already discussed this.
Feeling a headache building, I rub my temples and squeeze my eyes shut.
“It’s my life on the line here, remember? No offense, but I think I have a right to know what I’m getting into.”
I can’t believe he’d even consider keeping me in the dark on this. Does he even know me at all? I can’t help if I don’t know what the plan is.
“You’ll know what we need you to, I promise. Which reminds me, you’re going to be staying here for a while.”
My brows furrow, and my annoyance spikes. “What do you mean for a while?”
“For a long while,” Kingston clarifies. “I can’t keep you safe if you aren’t here, Ace.”
“Yeah, but if Burlone wanted to do something to me, he would’ve already done it.” I motion to my face. “Exhibit A.”
I watch as his Adam’s apple bobs up and down in his throat while assessing the damage done to my face. “And it kills me every time I see it.”
The remorse is clear in his voice, but it doesn’t stop my hackles from rising. I’ve been taking care of myself for as long as I can remember. Yes, I needed his help the other night, and I’m grateful he was willing to step in and take care of me, but I’m not about to uproot my entire life for him. I can’t.
Taking a deep breath, I explain, “Look, nothing’s going to happen, and if you’re that worried, why don’t you just put a guard on me or something like you mentioned in the past? That’ll fix the problem, and I’ll still be able to do whatever the hell I want. See? Win-win.”
With a shake of his head, D interjects, “We tried that. Found his body stashed in a dumpster.”
I gasp, covering my mouth as his words register. “What?”
I was so certain I’d been alone that night. That if Kingston hadn’t called off my guard, none of this would’ve happened. I didn’t blame him. I just knew something must’ve come up, and he’d assumed I’d be safe. I clutch my chest; my heart feeling as though it’s been splintered at the knowledge that an innocent man is dead. Because of me.
“We did have a guard tailing you, Ace. We did, and he failed. I can’t let that happen again. I can’t risk that. I can’t risk you.”