“Haven’t y’all seen the news? About all those missin’ girls? And then y’all didn’t come in for breakfast and…and…” Her lower lip quivers as her eyes gather with tears. “What happened to your face, doll?”
I knew she’d ask questions. Part of me wanted to wait until I’d healed before showing my face here, but I was too anxious to talk to Gigi. Still, the horrified expression painted on Dottie’s face makes me feel guilty for causing her any added stress.
With a shake of my head, I clear my throat. “Nothing, Dottie. It’s all taken care of. Promise.”
She continues fussing over my busted lip, staring at it like it’s a third eye before wringing out her hands and taking a small step back.
“Well, alright, then. As long as you and Gigi are sure you’re okay.”
“Speaking of G, is she here?” I begin searching for her throughout the diner but come up empty as Dottie’s breath catches. Her wrinkly old hands cover her open mouth in surprise.
“You haven’t seen her?”
“No? You know this is the only place we ever meet. I was hoping I’d see her today.”
“Honey, I ain’t seen her since she rushed out a few nights ago. I don’t know where she is.” Her tone is worried and laced with sympathy as her eyes bounce from me to D, then around the diner before landing on my bruised face all over again.
D eavesdrops on our conversation from a few feet away, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other with his hands in the pockets of his slacks. I look over at him in hopes that he holds all the answers, but his stone-cold expression doesn’t give anything away.
Turning back to Dottie, I force a smile, though it feels about as fake as they come. “Okay. Well, I think we’d still like to sit and order and maybe wait to see if she comes by. Is that all right with you?”
“Of course, of course.” She waves her hands in the air, motioning to the booths and tables scattered throughout the diner. “Just find a place anywhere. I’ll bring your usual.”
“Thanks, Dottie. Make it two. I just got done telling Diece how amazing the food is since his stomach was rumbling the entire way over here.”
“I can fix that. I’ll bring it over when it’s ready.” She winks at Diece, making his cheeks turn pink from her innocent flirting before going on her way.
D follows behind me as I lead him to a corner booth then sit down, tucking my backpack beneath the table with one leg on each side of it out of habit.
Rule #7: Never leave something of value out in the open. Even if there isn’t much in it nowadays.
“What’s with the bag?” D asks with a quirked brow.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I don’t ever see you without it, and you get weird if it leaves your sight.”
I grimace at his observation because I always thought I was more subtle when following my rules, but apparently, I was wrong.
Chewing my lower lip, I admit, “It kind of holds my whole world.”
Instead of scoffing like I would expect, he casually leans back in his seat and rests his hands behind his head with a smirk.
“Then I guess you’ll have to let me take a look inside one of these days.”
“Doubtful, my friend. Very doubtful. Speaking of friends, though…” I sober instantly. “Do you have any idea where mine is?”
Bringing up Gigi is enough to put a halt on the innocent teasing from only a moment ago. D scratches the side of his face while staring into the distance like he’s debating something with himself. “Tell me about your friend.”
I shrug. “What do you want to know?”
“Who is she? Does she have family who would report her missing? Tell me everything you know.”
Well, crap. I search through the conversations Gigi and I have had over the last few months and don’t find much information that would be useful, but I divulge everything I can.
“Umm…let’s see. Her name is Gigi. She has a pretty rich family but hates them. Owns a house in the Hamptons…I think? Or maybe that was a joke? Umm…”
D stares at me, confused.