“Kingston’s girl might not be able to go missing, but that doesn’t mean she can’t get mugged on her way home from Sin. The streets are dangerous for a pretty girl like that at night. Understand?”

My stomach turns, but I don’t argue. “Yeah, Boss.”

“Good. I’ll be on the floor doling out congratulatory ass-kissing for the rest of the night. Good luck, gentlemen.” His lips quirk up mischievously before waving me out the door. Without a backward glance, I exit with the intent to follow orders that I know will make me sick.

Isn’t the first time.

Won’t be the last.

Chapter Thirty-Six


Cloud. Nine.

That’s what I’m on. I’m practically skipping down the street with my backpack swinging from left to right in time with my steps when I round the corner and take the stairs two at a time before swinging the door open and stepping into Dottie’s.

“Hey, Dottie!”

As soon as she sees me, a wide grin spreads across her face. “If that’s your poker face, darlin’, then you should look into a different profession.”

Giggling, I let my smile nearly split my face in two but don’t deem her comment worthy of a response.

Thankfully, she doesn’t need one before rushing over to me and wrapping me in a giant bear hug. “You won! I can’t believe it, doll! Tell me everything! Right now! I wanna hear every detail!”

I pull away with throbbing cheeks from smiling so hard and begin to scan the diner. “Trust me, I’m about to explode from excitement. Where’s Gigi? You can take a break, and I’ll tell you guys everything.”

With a pitiful look, Dottie pats my shoulder. “I’m sorry, doll, but I ain’t seen Gigi tonight. She must’ve gotten held up. Why don’t ya grab a seat, and I’ll bring your order over. Then you can eat while ya wait for her to get here. Sound alright?”

A swell of disappointment threatens to take over, but I shake it off.

“Yeah. Sounds great. Thanks, Dottie.”

An hour later, I find myself still very much alone in my booth. Dottie has filled my coffee multiple times and has pulled as many details from me as she could about the tournament, but it just isn’t the same as whenever I tell Gigi stuff.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, I see the time and rub my eyes. I’m exhausted.

Dottie must sense my fatigue too as she comes over and asks, “Are ya alright? Need anythin’ else?”

I shake my head.

“I’m sure she just got caught up with somethin’. Come back tomorrow, and you can tell her all about it.”

A pathetic smile graces my lips as I throw a couple twenties onto the table then throw my backpack over my shoulder.

“Yeah. I’m going to call it a night. Thanks for listening to my rambling, Dottie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You sure you should be walkin’ home tonight?” she asks with her brows pinched in concern.

Memories of my conversation with Kingston come to mind, but I’d still rather be safe than sorry. “No, I think I’m going to call a cab. Mind if I use your phone?”

“Anytime, doll.”


Walking over to the pay phone, I dial the number for a cab and am told he’ll be here in a few minutes. I wait inside the diner until a yellow car pulls up to the curb, and I head outside with a final wave to Dottie.

“See ya, Dottie!”