“I just got off an interesting phone call,” I speak through the closed door.

Straining, I listen for his response but only hear muffled crying, and it definitely isn’t coming from Burlone.

After a brief wait, the door swings open to reveal a half-naked girl with mascara running down her cheeks. Sniffling, she slips past us with her top clutched to her chest then disappears down the hall.

I turn to Sei to see him watching as she goes, his eyes shining with interest.

“Get the fuck in here.” Burlone’s deep voice breaks Sei’s trance, and I follow him into the office.

Plopping down onto the corner chair, Sei lifts his chin while a lit cigarette dangles from the side of his mouth. “Hey, Boss.”

Burlone’s frustration is almost palpable, but I know he’ll want to hear this.

“What is it?” he growls. “I was busy.”

“Don’t ask me.” Sei raises his hands defensively before leaning back and setting his boots on the table. “Ask Dex.”

With a slow blink, Burlone turns his narrowed expression on me. “And?”

Licking my lips, I reveal the little slice of information I was recently gifted with. “Dominic Castello just called.”

“So? Why would he call?”

“Seems he ran into someone a day or two ago.”

“Get to the point, Dex. I’m not in the mood for foreplay.”

Snorting, Sei covers his mouth before motioning for me to continue. “Yeah, Dex. We all know how much Burlone likes to get right to the nitty-gritty, am I right?”

Burlone’s mouth ticks up in amusement then he turns to me. “Yes. Let’s get to the nitty-gritty. What’d Dominic Castello have to say that was so important that you felt the need to interrupt my free time?”

“Says he saw the queen out of her high tower.”

Burlone’s brows nearly reach his receding hairline as he asks for clarification. “What?”

“Regina Romano was sighted outside of the estate.”

“How? No one’s seen her since she was a kid.” He doesn’t look convinced.

“Apparently, before Gabriel Romano died, he was trying to set up an arranged marriage because he knew his health was failing and wanted to have the Romano family as strong as possible before he kicked the bucket.”

With a wave of his hand, an annoyed Burlone spits, “We knew this, Dex. Get to the fucking point.”

Clearing my throat, I continue, “He approached Dominic to see if he’d be interested in aligning forces––”

“By marrying Regina?” Sei interrupts, curiously. He plants his heavy boots on the floor and leans forward with interest.

“Yeah. But Dominic wouldn’t consider it unless he saw a picture to prove she wasn’t a five hundred pound elephant,” I explain.

“So Gabriel gave it to him? A picture?” Burlone is humming with excitement, the whole room buzzing with the potential this news offers.

With a nod, I say, “Apparently.”

“And where did he see her?”

“A mile or so away, near the Charlette.”

“Did he describe her to you?” Burlone’s tone is ice cold. Calculating. This was the piece of information he was looking for, and I know he’s going to weave it into his plan flawlessly.