The words live together nearly stopped his heart. “When are we going to live together?”
“As soon as I can pack up my stuff and sublet my place. Yours is nicer, and I assume you own it?”
“I do.”
“I rent mine, but I’ll pay half the mortgage. Don’t worry.”
“So, I’ve gone from wanting to take a step back to living with you in the span of ten minutes?”
She pulled his T-shirt up and over his head and then ran her hands over his chest and abdomen. “Keep up, Cam. Things are moving fast.”
Laughing, he stood back to watch her strip down to lacy, sexy underwear that made his mouth go dry. The healing scar on her abdomen enraged him when he recalled how she’d gotten it. “You’re so fucking hot, Gigi. I look at you, and I can’t believe you love me.”
“Believe it.” Gigi helped him out of his track pants and boxer briefs and sat on the bed, drawing him in so he was standing right in front of her. She nuzzled his erection, running her tongue from top to bottom. “Don’t push me away, Cameron.”
He buried his fingers in her silky dark hair. “That’s the last thing I want, especially when you’re doing that.”
“How do you feel about this?” She took the tip into her mouth and sucked hard.
His head fell back on his shoulders. “I feel very good about that.”
She took him as far as she could, until the tip bumped against her throat.
“Gigi,” he said on a gasp. “Let’s do this together.”
Slowly, she pulled back until he popped free of her mouth. They fell onto the bed, and he was inside her within a second.
He stopped when he realized what he’d done. “Shit. Sorry. No preliminaries.”
She gripped his ass to hold him deep inside her. “Doing that to you was all I needed.”
He gazed down at her looking up at him with so much love. “How’d I get so lucky to find you?”
“We both got lucky, and we’re going to stay that way.”
As he moved in her, he held her gaze and felt as if he was truly making love for the first time in his life. The other time didn’t count because they’d gotten interrupted. This was a whole new experience, and he was determined to make sure neither of them would ever forget it.
He made it last as long as he could before reaching between them to help her cross the finish line. The feel of her flesh tightening around his was all he needed to fall into an orgasm for the ages. He came so hard, he nearly forgot to breathe.
And then he had a startling realization. “We forgot the condom.”
“That’s okay. I’m protected.”
The information allowed him to relax ever so slightly. “You got me so fired up, I didn’t give it a thought, and that’s certainly a first.”
“You’re not in charge of protecting me, remember?”
“Yes, I am.”
“No, you’re not. I am, and if we’d needed a condom, I would’ve said so. Now knock off the alpha shit and snuggle me.”
Since there was nothing he’d rather do, he said, “Yes, dear.”
She patted his back. “That’s better.”
The lawyer Shane Ramsey requested couldn’t get there until the morning, so he’d be their guest in the city jail overnight. While Freddie took him downstairs to get settled, Sam headed home, confident they had their killer. For tonight, anyway, he was off the streets.
She took the hand Vernon offered to help her into the SUV. “Thank you.”