Freddie typed on his phone, capturing the information she was providing.
“What happened next?”
“They forced us out of the apartment and made us get in a car. One of them held a knife to my neck to keep me quiet.”
So that was how she’d gotten cut.
“While we were in the car, one of them stabbed Eddie, and then they pushed us out of the car.”
“Could you identify the one who stabbed him if you had to?”
“No, I couldn’t tell who it was. They were in the front seat. I was in the back.”
“Were they arguing with him before they stabbed him?”
“No, they just did it and tossed us out of the car.”
“How did the knife end up with you?”
“I pulled it out of his chest before I went to hide. I was afraid they’d come back, so I took it for protection.”
“Do you know anything at all about why they’d do this to Eddie and to you?”
“He owed them money.”
“How much?”
“More than twenty-five thousand.” She licked her lips and took a deep breath. “He lied to them. He told them he had the money, but he didn’t. When Kelvin figured that out, he got really, really mad.” Her hands shook violently, so she clasped them together over her lap.
The nurse eyed the beeping monitors. “We need to wrap this up.”
“Why did he owe them the money?”
“They’d given him drugs to sell for them, and he was supposed to get them at least twenty-five, but he’d gotten half that.”
“Is there anything else you can tell us that might help us find the men who hurt you and killed Eddie?”
“No, but I’m so afraid of them. If they find out I talked to you, they’ll kill me.”
“We won’t let that happen.”
Freddie left the room to see to getting Patrol officers there to guard her.
“We’re going to put a couple of officers outside your room, and when you’re released, we’ll provide protective custody. They’re not going to hurt you again. Is there anyone else we should contact about Eddie’s death?”
“Just his parents, but they don’t talk to him.”
“They already know.”
“There isn’t anyone else. It’s just been the two of us for a long time.”
“What about your family?”
Her eyes closed for a second. “We’re not in touch.”
“You must have a friend or someone we could call for you.”
When Sam looked at the nurse, she shrugged, as if she’d maybe tried and failed to get that info.