“Because of your new duties as first lady,” she said. “I actually thought you might snap it up as it would allow you to take on more of an administrative role at a time when you’ll be juggling multiple priorities.”
The chief coughed, and Sam had to force herself not to look at him or risk the two of them devolving into uncontrollable laughter.
“I can see how that would seem to make sense. However, if I may speak frankly…”
“Please,” the mayor said. “Of course you may.”
“I’d rather be strung upside down by my toes than have an administrative job.”
The chief could no longer cover his laughter with coughing. He cracked up. “Welcome to the species known as Lieutenant Holland, Your Honor. She’s a little feral and uncivilized, but we love her anyway.”
Sam rolled her eyes at him. “He’s known me too long.”
“And she’s always been this way.”
“Which is another reason why I have to decline your generous offer. As much as I’d love to see a woman in the deputy chief’s office, it can’t be me. I have a hard enough time navigating the old boys’ club around here because of my last name and the fact that people think the only reason I’ve gotten to where I am is because of my name and my father and the fact that the chief is my beloved adopted uncle. If you move me up two levels to deputy chief, I won’t have the respect of the people I command. I think the chief would agree that’s an essential element to being successful in his job and the deputy’s job.”
“Lieutenant Holland is right about the pecking order around here, and you’re right, Your Honor, that she’d be a marvelous deputy chief—if she earned it the usual way. She’s also right that she’d hate the job. When she became the lieutenant in charge of the Homicide division, she made a comment I’ve never forgotten.”
Sam was trying to remember what she’d said to him in the midst of attaining her most cherished goal.
“She said she’d reached the pinnacle by getting the only command-level job she’d ever want within the department. Not only is she happy as the Homicide commander, I think you’d agree she’s also extremely effective in that role.”
“I completely agree, and I hear what you’re both saying,” the mayor said. “However, I’d still like you to think about it for a day or two before you decide.”
Again, Sam looked to the chief.
“She’s not going to change her mind, Monique,” he said in the kind, conciliatory tone that made him such a great chief.
Not that she was biased. Much.
“Well, I’ll confess to being disappointed, as I’d hoped you’d want the job as much as I want you in it, but if that’s not the case, I’m certainly not going to force the point.”
Sam expelled a deep breath. “Thank you so much again for thinking of me. I’m honored to have been considered. And now I need to get back to work, since I’ve got a deadline today. I’m meeting with Mrs. Nelson at two for afternoon tea and a tour of the residence.”
The chief ran a hand over his mouth.
“If you laugh, I’ll never forgive you. Sir.”
“I’m just trying to picture you at afternoon tea.”
“I’ll make sure there are pictures for you to laugh at later.”
“I’ll look forward to that.”
To the mayor, Sam said, “If I could ask one favor…”
“Of course.”
“Please don’t let it get out that you were considering me for deputy chief. I’ve got enough on my plate without having to deal with the media storm that would bring.”
“I understand, and no one will hear it from me or my office. I wish you and your husband all the best.”
Sam shook her hand. “Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate that.”
The second the mayor released her hand, Sam scooted out of the chief’s office with all due haste, feeling as if she’d just dodged a bullet as lethal as any of the actual bullets she’d faced on the job. Being stuck in an office job was her idea of hell, and for a second there, she’d feared the mayor might order her to take the job because of her desire to see a woman in the role.
What would she have done then? She shuddered at the thought of it. Thank goodness it hadn’t come to that.