Sam smiled. She liked this woman—a lot—and that was saying something, since she usually hated people. “Actually, there is something you can do for me if you’re so inclined.”

“Whatever you need. Just name it.”

That made Sam laugh again. “You ought to wait to hear what it is before you say that.”

“You don’t scare me. Other things do, but you don’t.”

“Clearly, I’m doing something wrong with you if that’s the case.”

“Whatever,” Roni said sarcastically, which only made Sam like her more. Sarcasm was one of her favorite features in a potential friend. “Bring it on.”

“I’m in need of a first lady communications director and press secretary and wondered if you might want the job.” After a long moment of complete silence, Sam said, “Hello? Roni? Are you there?”

“I’m here.”

“Have I finally found a way to render you speechless?”

“I think maybe you have.”

Sam cracked up. “Oh, come on. You’re not going to roll over that easily, are you?”

“Uh, well… You’re not serious about this, are you?”

“I am. The woman I had as second lady is getting married and leaving town. When they told me I’d need a new one, I immediately thought of you.”

“I’m an obituary writer, Sam. Not a press secretary.”

“I assume you went to school for the job you currently hold?”

“I went to journalism school at the University of Virginia.”

“There you go. You’re qualified.”

“No, I’m not!”

“You have the most important qualification as far as I’m concerned.”

“I can’t wait to hear this.”

“I assume that as my newest friend—and the first friend I’ve bothered to make in a while—you’d be somewhat loyal to me, my husband, our family.”

“I would be. Of course I would, but I don’t know anything about being a press secretary.”

“And I know nothing about being first lady. Maybe we could figure it out together?”

“You need to think about this.”

“I have. I want you. Any questions?”

“For God’s sake, Sam. You need someone who knows what they’re doing, who isn’t a red-hot emotional-widow mess. You need—”

“I need you, Roni. I need my friend to do this for me and to have my back. Can you do that?”

“You’re really serious about this?” she asked, her voice higher than Sam had ever heard it.

“Dead serious.”

A long sigh came from Roni.