Nick reached for her hand. “I was just telling Scotty that the limo used to transport the president is known as The Beast.”
“Why do they call it that?” Scotty asked.
“Because it’s heavily armored and fortified against every form of threat, even a bomb.”
“Whoa.” Scotty looked outside the window. “Is the motorcade way bigger than it was before?”
“Yep. The president gets a lot more security than anyone else.”
“Does the Secret Service call it The Beast too?”
Nick shook his head. “They use the name Stagecoach for the president’s car.”
“Ah, okay.”
“This car has a lot of the same survival features I had put into Mom’s car when I had it tricked out for safety,” Nick said. “I had it done at the same facility that produced this car. Like with hers, we could live for days inside this car if we ever had to.”
“Let’s hope we never have to.” Sam couldn’t bear to think of him being in that kind of danger. “You really should call your dad. He shouldn’t hear this on the news.”
“I was thinking that too.” Nick retrieved his phone and placed the call to his dad, Leo, putting it on speaker so Sam and Scotty could hear.
“Hey,” Leo said. “Didn’t I just see you?”
“You did. I’m in the car with Sam and Scotty, and we have some news to share, but you have to keep it confidential.”
“Okay… Is everything all right?”
“President Nelson passed away earlier tonight. We’re on the way to the White House so I can be sworn in as president.”
“Oh my God, Nicky. Wow. How do you feel?”
“Uh, can I get back to you on that?”
Leo laughed.
“I didn’t want you to hear it on TV.”
“Thank you for the call, and… I don’t even know what to say, son.”
“Right there with you. We’re a little speechless ourselves.”
“Do you know what happened to Nelson?”
“Not yet.”
“If there’s anything we can do, anything at all, just call.”
“We will. Thanks, Dad.”
“I’m so proud, Nicky. So very proud.”
“Thank you. We’ll be in touch when we can.”
“Take care, son. You too, Sam and Scotty. We love you guys.”
“Thanks, Leo,” Sam said. “We love you too.”
Nick ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. On the short ride to Pennsylvania Avenue, he held on tight to Sam’s hand.