“Nothing yet. Dani called me with his list of friends, and I’ve sent McBride and O’Brien to Fairfax to track them down. We ran them all and found a couple of outstanding warrants we’re going to use as leverage to get them to talk.”
“That’s something, anyway. Green is here. He’s extremely upset.”
“Really. Well, that’s interesting.”
“I thought the same thing, suggested as much to him, and it seemed to be the first time he entertained the idea of feelings beyond that of a colleague.”
“Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?”
“He does.”
“I suggested he might want to leave the vengeance to the rest of the team.”
“Good call. Speaking of vengeance, Lenore Worthington is here looking for information about her son’s case after the developments overnight.”
Sam had promised to take a fresh look at her son’s fifteen-year-old unsolved homicide. “Is she still there?”
“She is.”
“Let me speak to her.”
“Hang on.”
Sam heard Gonzo speaking to someone in the seconds before Lenore came on the line.
“Lieutenant, I’d ask how your Thanksgiving was, but…”
Sam laughed. “It was pretty great until around nine o’clock.”
“I know you must be reeling today and have so many other things on your mind. I didn’t come here expecting to see you.”
“I made you a promise that I fully intend to keep, Lenore. My plan is to continue my life as it was on Wednesday.”
“Is that so? Well, that’d be quite something.”
“No matter what happens, I promise I‘ll investigate Calvin’s murder with fresh eyes and do everything I can to get you some long-overdue answers.”
“Thank you,” she said, sounding relieved. “That means so much to me.”
“I also fully intend to remain engaged with the grief group.” Along with the department’s psychiatrist, Dr. Trulo, Sam had recently founded the support group for the victims of violent crime. Their first meeting had been a big success, and a second was planned for mid-December.
“I’ll see you at the next meeting, if not before?”
“I’ll be there.”
“I know your participation meant so much to the other attendees, especially those who’ve just begun this journey,” Sam said.
“It helps me to help them. Thank you for making that possible.”
“I’ll be in touch, okay?”
“Thank you, Sam, and if I may… God bless you and your husband as you begin this new adventure. I’ll be cheering for you both.”
“Thank you. That’s very kind of you. Talk soon.”
Lenore gave the phone back to Gonzo, and Sam heard her saying goodbye to him.