He responded with laughing emojis. What are they saying about your job?
Haven’t gotten there yet, but nothing will change as far as I’m concerned. I may need to rely on my SGT a little more than I have in the past…
I’m here. Ready to get back in the game and do whatever I can for you and the squad.
Thanks, Gonzo. That helps. How’s married life treating you so far?
Happy for you guys. Will be in touch.
Good luck with it all. Tell Nick, I mean, Mr. President, we’re so proud of him.
Will do—and he’ll want you to call him Nick.
After the hellish last year her dear friend had gone through after losing his partner to murder and then himself to a pain pill addiction, Sam was so happy to have her sergeant back to full health and ready to rejoin the squad. She’d missed her friend Tommy so much during his ordeal.
Sam got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed in leggings and a denim shirt, eager to spend a rare day off with her kids. Scotty was probably still asleep, but the twins would be up. Then she remembered they’d given the monitor to Elijah the night before, which was why she hadn’t heard them. She went downstairs and found them in the kitchen with their brother, who was overseeing a breakfast of cereal and orange juice.
“Sam!” Aubrey jumped up and nearly spilled her cereal in her haste to run over to hug Sam.
She picked up the little girl and hugged her tight. “How’s my favorite little girl today?”
“So good. Lijah says we can go to the zoo today. Do you want to go?”
Sam wanted to but wasn’t sure she could. She needed to see Gigi at some point. “Let me see what’s going on first.” She returned Aubrey to her seat and kissed the top of Alden’s head. “How’s my favorite little boy today?”
“Good,” Alden said around a mouthful of Apple Jacks.
The kids were always happiest when Elijah was home, and to his credit, he gave them his full attention when he was there. More than a month after the tragic loss of their parents, the twins were settling into their new normal, but Sam worried about how they’d take the news that they’d be moving—again.
“Where’s Nick?” Sam asked.
“He left about an hour ago.” Elijah handed her a folded piece of paper. “He asked me to give you this.”
Didn’t want to wake you when you rarely get to sleep in. Gone to “the office” for a few hours. Will be home as soon as I can. Let’s do something with the kids later. Love you.
Sam folded the note and tucked it into her shirt pocket to add to her collection of keepsakes from him. “He’ll be home a little later, so why don’t you guys do the zoo this morning, and then we’ll all do something later? Whatever you guys want.”
“Should I wake up Scotty for the zoo?” Elijah asked.
“I think he’d want to go.” Scotty was usually up for anything that involved Elijah and the twins.
“Are you… you know, doing okay?” Elijah asked, his expression troubled as he glanced at the morning editions of the Post and the Star that had banner headlines about the goings-on overnight. They must’ve had to move heaven and earth to get the news into the morning papers when it happened so late.
“Hanging in there.”
Elijah sent the twins upstairs to brush their teeth and wash their faces. “I’ll be up in a minute to help you figure out what to wear to the zoo.”
They scampered off, leaving Sam alone with him. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“I was thinking… after you guys left last night… You’re going to have so much to deal with. I’d totally understand if you wanted to make other plans for the kids.”
“What? No way. That’s not happening. We love them, Elijah. I promise they’ll continue to be very well cared for no matter where we’re living or what our jobs are.”
“I’m not worried about that so much as the imposition on you and Nick with so many other demands on your time.”
Forcing herself to stay calm, Sam poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table with him. “I know I speak for Nick when I tell you the twins, Scotty and you will be foremost on our minds as we make this transition. We’re going to do everything we can to make this work for all of us. I promise you that. Not having them stay with us at the White House would never occur to any of us, Elijah. Nick would resign from office before he’d give them up voluntarily.”