“Okay, then I won’t tell you that. All I’ll say is we’re going to have to think it through and find a way to make it work for both of us.”
“What does that even mean? Why does it have to work for you? You’d be the first one to say you’re not running for anything. You’re going to do these three years, finish Nelson’s term and then figure out what’s next. What do you care if they come at you about your wife working a job outside the White House?”
“I couldn’t care less if anyone ‘comes at me’ about that. What I care about, more than just about anything, is your safety. This is a whole new ball game, Sam, and you know that as well as I do.”
“So what’re you saying?”
“That I need time to think and breathe and talk it through with my team and to figure out a plan that works for both of us. I’m not going to lie to you. It’ll be an uphill battle. No one is going to approve of you keeping your current job while I’m president.”
“Do you approve?” she asked in a small voice that was so not like her that it hurt him to hear it.
“I approve of you continuing to do what you love as long as you’re safe. We’re going to need to figure out what that entails.”
“You mean Secret Service.”
“Among other things.”
“What other things?”
“I don’t know yet!” He’d been president for ninety minutes, and they were already fighting.
“Here’s what I know—I’m so happy for you to have this opportunity, even if I’m sad for the Nelsons that they had to lose their husband and father to make it happen. I wouldn’t have wished for that in a million years, but here we are, and I was so proud tonight watching you take the oath. The American people are incredibly lucky to have you. They have no idea how lucky they are, but they’re going to find out. I’m prepared to support you one thousand percent in this, even if it’s not what I would’ve chosen for either of us. In return, I expect you to support me at the same level.”
“I understand.”
“Do you? Do you really?”
“I do, Samantha. After all this time, I certainly know what makes you happy, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re happy.”
“Everything in your considerable power?”
“Yes,” he said with a sigh as he reached for her. “Come back. I don’t want to fight. I hate fighting with you.”
“I don’t want to fight with you either. You know I don’t.”
“Then let’s not do that, okay? Let’s figure this out together. We’re both going to have to compromise to make this work.”
“I’m willing to compromise about everything except my job. That’s nonnegotiable.”
Nick wasn’t sure how to respond to that. She might have to make some concessions to stay safe, but he wasn’t going to be the one to tell her that. “It’s going to take a minute for people to wrap their heads around the first lady having a job outside the White House.”
“There’s a first time for everything, and I’d love to make history by showing the world that a woman can support her husband and pursue an outside career at the same time.”
“For the record, I have no issue with you working while you’re first lady.”
“Well, thank goodness for that.”
“This is no time for sarcasm.”
“It’s always time for sarcasm.”
“Your position has been duly noted, as has your sarcasm. I’ll do everything I can for you, the way I always do.”
“Why do I hear a ‘but’ in there?”
“Some of this might not be up to me, Sam. They’re going to insist you have Secret Service, even if you’re not required to have it.”
“I might be willing to compromise—somewhat—on that if necessary.”