When they arrived at Andrews a short time later, they stood on the tarmac while Nelson’s casket was loaded onto Air Force One, and then they led the Nelson family up the stairs to board the plane. Sam and Nick stood with Gloria as she turned to wave to the gathered crowd and media who’d come to see them off.
Sam had chills as she witnessed the former first lady’s dignity during a time of great sorrow.
The moment they stepped foot inside the plane, Sam’s usual preflight panic kicked in with cold sweats and the urgent need to pee. It was the weirdest reaction that happened every single time she was on an airplane. She was shown to a restroom that was unlike any airplane bathroom she’d ever seen. The entire plane was pure luxury, from the sitting room to the president’s bedroom to Nick’s office, which made it easy to forget where she was, until the plane bobbed or hit a bump and reminded her of exactly why she hated flying so much.
With the entire Nelson family and much of the late president’s staff on board for the three-hour trip to South Dakota, there were plenty of people to keep her mind off the fact that she was on an airplane. Sam didn’t get much time alone with Nick, who spent most of the flight in his office with Terry and other aides.
“This is so cool,” Lindsey whispered to Sam as they were served roast beef, baby potatoes, steamed spinach and delicious chocolate cake for lunch. “Well worth taking a day off, even if it’s for a funeral.”
“I can’t believe you volunteered to spend six hours on a plane today. This is the last place I’d be if I didn’t have to.”
“Sam, it’s Air Force One.”
“Lindsey, it’s a fucking airplane.”
Her friend cracked up laughing. “Just think, you might get to join the Mile High Club at some point. That’d take your mind off the fact that you’re on a plane.”
“Very true. In other news, I’m going to be as big as a house living at the White House with my own pastry chefs. I’m powerless against the pastry, not to mention all the other chefs who’ll be working to fatten me up.”
“Enjoy every minute of it. You’ll have plenty of time to lose the weight after Nick leaves office.”
Sam took another bite of mouthwatering chocolate cake. “Also very true.”
Terry came into the cabin, smiled at Lindsey and said to Sam, “Mrs. Nelson is asking for a private moment with you and the president before we land.”
“Duty calls,” Sam said to Lindsey as she wiped her face with a white cloth napkin. “Did I get all the chocolate off my face?”
Lindsey gave her a close once-over. “You look perfect.”
“How are you liking the flight, Linds?” Terry asked his fiancée.
“Eh, just another day.”
He laughed and bent to kiss her. “I’ll be right back.” Terry led Sam to Nick’s office. “Mrs. Nelson will be right in.” Terry left the room and closed the door.
“What’s this about?” Sam asked Nick, who came around the desk to her.
“Not sure, but I guess we’ll find out.”
A soft knock sounded on the door before Terry showed Gloria in.
“So sorry to disturb you, Mr. President, Sam,” Gloria said.
“You’re not disturbing us,” Nick said. “Please, have a seat.” He held the back of the chair for her.
When she was settled, Gloria said, “I wanted to tell you myself that after the autopsy determined David died from a pulmonary embolism, I spoke to the White House physician, who confirmed David hadn’t mentioned any sort of chest pain or other symptoms. That leads us to believe it came on somewhat suddenly. When he was younger, he had a blood clot in his leg, but he’d not had any other problems like that in decades. I guess we’ll never know if he felt unwell beforehand.” She looked down at her folded hands. “Maybe if I’d been there…”
“You did what was best for you, Gloria,” Sam said, “and for what it’s worth, I would’ve done the same thing.”
She offered a small smile and dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “It was the first Thanksgiving we’d spent apart in forty-three years. I think maybe his heart actually broke when I left him. He didn’t expect me to do that. Ah, well, I suppose it’s all part of God’s plan. I may never understand why it had to be this way.”
“We hope you’re able to find some peace,” Nick said.
“It’ll take a while, but I’ll get there. I just wanted you to hear the other details about what happened from me.”
“We appreciate the courtesy,” Nick said.
“I’d better get back to my grandchildren before they eat all the ice cream on board.”