“Yes, you will.”

Sam felt his eyes on her until she turned the corner.

Chapter Thirty

“Come in, Gretchen.” Since Terry and Derek would be joining them, Nick left the door open as he led her into the Oval Office. “Thanks for making the time.”

She laughed. “When the president calls, you make the time.”

“Have a seat.”

Nick was relieved when Terry and Derek came in to join them. Something about her put him on edge, but he couldn’t say what it was. One of the butlers followed the staffers with coffee and cookies. “Please,” he said, gesturing to the refreshments. “Help yourself.” To make her feel more at ease, he took one of the chocolate chip cookies and took a bite. Damn, that was good.

Gretchen poured herself a cup of coffee and stirred in some cream. “I’ll confess to being uncertain as to why I’m here, Mr. President.”

“We’re meeting with potential vice president candidates.”

Her face slackened with shock. “Seriously?”

“Very seriously. Your name is on our short list.”

“I, uh, well…” She made a visible effort to recover her composure. “I’m honored to be considered, Mr. President.”

He knew she was forty-three, the mother of two and a graduate of Harvard and Oxford. She was a rising star the party wanted to groom for bigger things, which was how she’d ended up on his short list for vice president.

“Before we go any further, I need to ask if you’d actually be interested in the position. As the most recent holder of the office, I feel compelled to share the downsides. Chief among them is suddenly being surrounded by Secret Service, which totally changes your life as well as the lives of your family. I know you have children…”

“Yes, sir. I have a daughter who’s twelve, and my son is fourteen.”

“They would have Secret Service details trailing them at school, when they’re with friends, at their activities. It’s a huge adjustment, especially for kids entering their high school years. I’m not trying to talk you out of it so much as make you aware that it’s one thing to consider Secret Service in the abstract. It’s another thing altogether to be under their protection.”

“I understand, sir, and I appreciate you sharing your personal experience.”

“I’m looking for a vice president who can be a partner to me in governing, someone I can rely on to have my back and to handle some of the travel demands for me. My preference is to spend most of my time here, and I’m looking for someone who can travel if need be.”

“I can do that. My mother lives with us and is available to help with my kids as needed. Their father lives three miles from us and is also present for them.”

“I’m sorry I have to ask about this, but the vetting process uncovered restraining orders on both sides during your second divorce.”

The question seemed to surprise her. “I’m not proud of how either of us behaved during that difficult time, but we’re in a much better place now and are able to put our kids first, which is what matters.”

“That information would be available to the media if we were to announce you as our choice. I’m not interested in this first important decision turning into a circus, so I’d like to know what other details will come out when the media digs deeper.”

“He accused me of hitting him, but I never did.” Her face flushed with embarrassment. “He’s an alcoholic, and while he was in rehab, he was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. That’s a potent combination, to say the least, and we struggled for a number of years to hold our marriage together. In the end, it was impossible. He’s worked hard on his sobriety and his mental health, and he’s doing very well now. I’m thankful for that, because my children love him very much.”

“I’m glad to hear he’s doing better. I’m sorry that I have to ask if there’s anything else we need to be aware of, any potential land mines that might detonate if we put you forward as our nominee.”

“Nothing that I can think of.”

“Then I’ll ask whether you’re interested in the job.”

“Yes, Mr. President. I’d be honored to be your vice president as well as your partner in governing.”

Nick stood to indicate the meeting was finished. He shook her hand. “Thank you so much for coming in. We’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

Terry walked her out and then returned, closing the door behind him as he came back into the room. “Impressions?”