“I’m here for you, for whatever you need. I’m your girl.”

“You’re the best. Let me say in advance—thank you, and I’m sorry for whatever I do to drive you insane over the next three years.”

“I’m made of sturdy stuff. I can take it.”

“Oh, I hired a social secretary, and her name is Shelby Faircloth Hill.”

“Fantastic choice. I’m looking forward to working with her. What about communications?”

“My friend Roni Connolly is on board for that, but I haven’t heard when she can start. I’ll figure that out soon.”

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

The door to the Oval Office swung open, and there he was, her love. Who also happened to be the president of the United States. Dear God. How in the world had this happened? Before she could fall into that rabbit hole full of what-the-fuck, he held out a hand to her.

When she joined her hand with his, the storm inside her subsided just that quickly.

“Come in.”

Sam swore she heard the woman working the reception desk sigh as he led Sam into the most important office in the world, closing the door behind them.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, smoothly removing her coat, tossing it over a chair and putting his arms around her, all in a matter of seconds.

Sam relaxed into his embrace, inhaled the potent scent of home and had to resist the urge to purr like a contented kitten. “Nothing. Now.” She slid her arms around his waist and held on tight. “Like always, you make everything better.”

“What was wrong before?”

“It’ll make you mad if I tell you. This is the loveliest minute of my day so far, and I’d hate to ruin it.”

“Tell me anyway.”

He ran his fingers through the hair she’d never put up in the usual workday clip and caressed her back. “I was raging to Lilia about this stupid-ass Secret Service meeting interrupting my day. I came in pretty hot, actually. I’ve got leads galore on a fifteen-year-old cold case, and all I want to do is—”

“Pound the pavement. Am I right?”

“You’re so right.”

He pulled back to look down at her with the potent eyes that were her kryptonite. “Those leads will still be there when we finish here, won’t they?”

“Don’t do that.”

His eyes twinkled with the start of laughter. “Don’t do what?”

“Don’t use reason to talk me out of a good mad. That’s annoying.”

“Will they or won’t they still be there after the meeting?”

“They will, but that doesn’t make the meeting any less stupid.”

“In my opinion, it’s the most important meeting I’ve had since I took office.”

“How is that possible? You nearly went to war with Iran to get back your secretary of State.”

“My ex-secretary of State, and alas, my adorable, cantankerous, sexy, exasperating wife is more important to me than that. But shhhh, don’t tell anyone I said that, or we’ll be in for a world of abuse from the media.”

Sam batted her eyelashes at him. “I’m more important than an international incident?”

“My love, you’re more important to me than anything, and the whole world knows that, which is what makes you so exquisitely vulnerable. And that’s what makes this the most important meeting I’ll ever have as president.”