Gloria’s chin wobbled as she nodded. “Nick. And Sam, I’d be happy to show you around the residence and answer any questions you may have. Let’s get that on the schedule in the next few days.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Sam said. “Thank you.”
“I was happy in this house for a long time,” Gloria said wistfully. “I hope you will be too.”
“We’ll give it all we’ve got,” Nick said.
“Don’t give it everything,” Gloria said. “We made that mistake and paid the price.” She looked up at them with shattered eyes. “Don’t let that happen to you too.”
“Come on, Mom.” Collette put her arm around her mother. “Let’s get you up to bed.”
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Nick said. “If there’s anything at all you and your family need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you so much, Nick,” Gloria said.
Nick gestured for Scotty to come with them as he signaled to Brant that they were ready to go. They were escorted to the limo with the usual efficiency. Again, Nick sat next to Sam, while Scotty sat facing them.
“And with that, my dad became the most powerful man on earth,” Scotty said, beaming. “So freaking awesome.”
“Glad you think so,” Nick said dryly. “Let’s hope you’re still saying that when you’re in high school being trailed by agents.”
“They don’t bother me. I barely notice them anymore.”
“Until the first time you want to kiss a girl, and you’ve got agents watching,” Sam said.
Scotty wrinkled his nose. “I’m not the one who does all the kissing around here.”
“Yet,” Sam said. “Just you wait.”
“Thanks for being there with me tonight, you guys,” Nick said.
“Duh, where else would we be when you were being sworn in as the freaking president?” Scotty said.
“That’s two freakings in two minutes,” Sam said. “The swear jar will be expecting your contributions.”
“That doesn’t even count as a swear. If it did, you’d be broke.”
“So that actually happened,” Nick said on a long sigh as the rush of adrenaline seemed to leave him all at once.
Sam smiled and placed her hand on his leg. “How lucky am I to be sleeping with the president?”
“Gross,” Scotty said.
“Nothing gross about it, my friend,” Nick said.
Scotty put his hands over his ears and closed his eyes. “Get it all out of your system while the child isn’t looking.”
Nick took advantage of the opportunity to kiss his gorgeous wife. “Thanks for holding it together in there.”
“Did I hold it together? Didn’t feel that way to me.”
“You did great.”
“It was super sexy watching you give Hanigan orders,” she said with a dramatic little shiver that made him laugh.
“I know we have a lot to talk about…”
“We’ll do that tomorrow. Right now, you should just breathe.”