The staff filed out a few minutes later, and Lilia took Sam to the in-house salon to have her hair and makeup done for the interview.

“I could seriously get used to this,” Sam said to Davida, the hairstylist.

“We’re here for you, ma’am, so take full advantage of us.”

Another woman named Kendra did Sam’s nails, while Davida gave her a blow-dry that left her hair looking sleek and shiny.

“Why does it never look like that when I do it?”

“Everyone says that,” Davida said, laughing.

The makeup artist, Ginger, was equally talented, and by the time they were finished with her, Sam felt as ready for prime time as she’d ever be.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Peter Wagner, a TV personality known for his interviews of famous and infamous people, had scored the coveted interview with the new first couple. Nick told Sam they’d chosen Wagner because they knew he’d be thorough and ask the questions most people had about their new first couple, but he wouldn’t come at them with his claws out.

Nick met Sam in the Blue Room, which had been transformed into a TV studio with lights, cameras and wires running across the carpeting.

“Whoa,” Nick said. “You look gorgeous. Your hair is so…”


He laughed. “I was going to say shiny and smooth.”

“Thanks to our new in-house salon. Don’t get used to it. When we’re back to normal, my hair will be too.”

“You know I think you’re gorgeous all the time.” He gave her an ass grab that no one else could see, to make his point.

They were shown to side-by-side plush blue chairs.

Nick started to sit next to her but stopped short. “These chairs won’t do. Can we get something like a love seat?”

“Yes, sir, Mr. President,” one of the White House staffers said.

“I’d like to sit next to my wife, not separate from her.”

Sam smiled at him. Could he be any more adorable?

“I couldn’t hold your hand in those chairs.”

She reached out a hand to him, and he took it, giving it a careful squeeze in light of her injuries. “You’re giving away all our secrets, love.”

“They’ll find out soon enough.”

Standing in the middle of the beautiful, historic room, surrounded by strangers, there was only him, only them.

A love seat was brought in from another room and positioned where the TV producer wanted it. Then they were wired with microphones.

Nick scowled at the young man who attached the microphone to Sam’s lapel.

“Stop that,” she whispered. “He’s just doing his job.”

“He needs to keep his hands off my wife.”

Sam rolled her eyes at him.

Wagner came in, looking ridiculous in his pancake makeup.