They made small talk for a few more minutes before Nick stood, signaling the meeting was over. He shook hands with the senator, let her know they’d be in touch to discuss further vetting and waited for Terry to escort her from the room.

Then he went straight to the restroom located off the Oval Office to wash his hands and rid himself of the horrible scent. Here he was, president of the United States, and that particular scent still took him right back to being a young child who refused to bathe for days after a rare visit from his mother left her scent on him. He was disgusted with himself for being so wrecked and with his mother for the emotional damage she’d done to him with her callous disregard.

When he returned to the Oval Office, Terry was waiting for him. “Did something happen, sir?”

Because he couldn’t very well confess to taking an immediate dislike to the senator because she smelled like his mother, Nick said, “I didn’t really feel a connection to her.”

Terry eyed him with curiosity. He knew Nick well enough to know he rarely met anyone he couldn’t connect with in some way or another.

“What’s next?” Nick asked.

“The economic and budget team is waiting in the Cabinet Room when you’re ready.”

What did it say about him that an economic and budget meeting sounded better than staying in the room where the horrid scent remained?

Sam made it to the White House at five after five, which she considered a win. Anything less than thirty minutes late was a win in her book. She’d run home to change into the one black pantsuit she owned, as well as a hot-pink silk blouse. Running short on time, she’d done what she could with her hair and the makeup Tracy had left for her to cover the colorful bruise on her face, all the while ignoring the pervasive pain coming from her hands. Even though she was probably presentable for TV, she still felt thrown together and scattered. Hopefully, there’d be someone at the White House to help pull her together before the interview.

Lilia was waiting for her when she came in through the East Wing entrance, startled to realize that at some point over the last year, being in this hallowed place had become somewhat routine to her. That was probably a good thing since it was about to also be home.

“Welcome, ma’am.” Lilia wore a sharp black suit with white trim, a crisp white blouse and her famous pearls. Every one of her dark hairs was smoothed into the adorable bob that framed her pretty face.

“How do you always look so put together? What’s the secret to that?”

“Ah, well… I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do, and I need to know. I love clothes and shoes and accessories, but I suck at pulling off the effortless class that you do so well.”

“You look lovely.”

“I look okay. You look lovely. Maybe you could do the interview with Nick?”

Lilia laughed. “I think we’d have a little trouble getting away with that. But you’ll be glad to know that as first lady, you have access to your own hair-and-makeup team.”

“No way.” As they talked, they walked toward the West Wing through red-carpeted hallways full of artwork that told the American story, from the Revolutionary War to Reconstruction to the moon landing.

“Way. I took the liberty of scheduling them ahead of the interview in case you were interested in their assistance.”

“Hell yes, I’m interested.”

Laughing, Lilia said, “I had a feeling you might be. The president is waiting for you in the Oval Office. When you’re ready, the communications team will help prep you for the interview, which is set to film in the East Room at six thirty.”

Sam rubbed her abdomen. “My stomach hurts.”

“Can I get you something for that?”

“Only if you can get me out of this national interview about my husband becoming president and me becoming first lady.”

“I wish I could, but alas, my superpowers don’t extend to rewriting history.”

“Why did I have a feeling you were going to say that?”

In the reception area outside the Oval, they were waved in by a woman Sam recognized from Nick’s tenure as vice president.

“Nice to see you, Mrs. Cappuano,” she said.

“You as well,” Sam said.

“Jennifer,” Lilia said under her breath.