“Did she really just ask me that?” Shelby said to Tracy and Angela.

“She did,” Ang said, “and we all agree you’d be the best at it.”

“Uh, I have no idea what to say.”

“Please, Shelby? You know how much I need you for this and to keep me straight as first lady. As social secretary, you’d be an official adviser to the president. You’ve been preparing for this role all your life.”

To Sam’s great dismay, Shelby began to cry. She looked to Avery for insight.

“Don’t fret,” he said in his sweet South Carolinian accent. “She cries over everything these days. Last night, it was an ice-cream commercial, and don’t even get me started on what happens when those ASPCA commercials come on with the sad, shivering dogs. She’s given them half our net worth since she got pregnant.”

That made Sam feel a little better, but she wouldn’t be happy until Shelby stopped crying.

“I’m sorry.” Shelby wiped away tears. “You took me by surprise. For a minute there, I thought you were asking me to be the social secretary at the White House.”

Sam nudged her shoulder. “You heard me right.”

“Oh, Sam. How could I ever take on something like that with two little ones underfoot?”

“I’ve given that some thought since the idea first occurred to me, and what if we were able to make it so you worked mostly from home, coming in only when needed?”

Shelby rolled her lip between her teeth as she gave that some thought. “That might work, but what about your kids? I’m hopelessly devoted to them, and I couldn’t imagine not seeing them every day.”

“They’re equally devoted to you. We can finagle the details so it works for all of us. We have a million rooms in the residence. Why couldn’t one of them be used as a nursery for your kids for when you’re working? The bottom line is we need you, Shelby. We’ll take you any way we can get you. I’d love for you to be the social secretary because I truly feel you’ve been preparing for that role all your life. But if it’s not going to work for you, we’ll keep things the way they are now and go forward. Take some time to think about it. Talk it over with Avery, and let me know what you decide. No pressure and no tears.”

Shelby laughed even as new tears spilled down her face. “You’ve honored me beyond all comprehension by even asking me.”

“You’re fully aware that I can’t do this without you, I hope,” Sam said.

“The thought did occur to me.”

Everyone laughed, and Sam felt better about upsetting her dear friend.

“We won’t take any more of your precious time off. It was important to me that I ask you in person.”

With Sam’s help, Shelby managed to stand and hug her. “Thank you for thinking of me for this. The people who’ve done the job before me are some of my biggest heroes and heroines. Letitia Baldridge,” she said with a shiver. “The master class.”

Sam had no idea who that was.

“Tish Baldridge was Jackie Kennedy’s social secretary. She more or less invented the modern role.”

“See? You already know more about it than I do.”

“Noah knows more about it than you do,” Tracy said, cracking up the others.

“That’s absolutely true,” Sam said. “These things are in his DNA.”

“Our people didn’t get that DNA,” Tracy said bluntly.

Sam laughed. “Which is why I need my Tinker Bell.”

“I’m going to think long and hard about this,” Shelby said, “and if we can find a way to make it work, I’m all yours.”

Sam hugged her. “No matter what you decide, we love you. You and yours will always be family to us.”

Shelby sniffled. “Same to you.”

“I need a minute with Avery, and then we can head home,” Sam said to her sisters.