Scotty laughed. “You guys are so weird, even in the White House.” He helped himself to another cheese and cracker as well as a handful of grapes. “It’s pretty cool that we can get snacks and stuff anytime we want them.”

“You’re going to get your own snacks,” Nick said, “and not become spoiled by the White House staff.”

“Why do parents have to ruin everything fun?”

“That’s our job,” Sam said.

“What does this mean for our dog project?” Scotty asked. “My birthday and Christmas are coming up, and either would be the perfect opportunity to gift me with a dog. I checked Google on the way over here, and did you know that most presidents and their families have at least one dog? Many of them have two. We should try to keep up with tradition by getting two dogs. History will be watching.”

“I can’t with this kid,” Sam said to Nick. “You’re the one who found him and brought him home. Deal with him, will you?”

Nick and Scotty laughed.

“I know it’s not the time or the place,” Scotty said. “So don’t mind me.”

“It’s still under advisement,” Nick said. “We’ve got a few things to figure out first, and then we’ll see what we can do, okay?”

“Okay.” Scotty held up his hands. “Not trying to make it about me or anything.”

“We appreciate the comic relief,” Nick said.

Hanigan returned a few minutes later. “Mr. Vice President, if I might have a word.”

“Duty calls,” Nick said. “I’ll be back. Don’t go running for the exits when I’m not looking.”

“We’ll be here,” Sam said.

“Counting on that.” Nick left them with a smile as he went off with Hanigan to see to the fate of the free world.

“He’s losing it, isn’t he?” Scotty asked.

“He’s always calm and cool under pressure, but he has to be having a meltdown on the inside. Anyone would be.”

“Is it going to be a thing that he just told the world he doesn’t want the job?”

“I suppose it probably will be.” Sam was already exhausted from battles they hadn’t even fought yet. “But if anyone can navigate something like this, Dad can. He’s been working in this game his entire adult life. He knows what strings to pull and how to get things done.”

“That’s true. He’ll figure out a way to spin it as a positive thing, even if he just said he didn’t want it.” Scotty gave her a wary look. “Are you losing it and pretending not to be?”

“What? Me, lose it? Nah.”

“Right… What about your job?”

Leave it to him to home right in on her biggest concern, other than the loss of privacy, the scrutiny, the security… “I don’t know, buddy. I just don’t know.”

“But you’re going to fight to keep it, right?”

She looked at him, noting the wary expression on his sweet face. “Hell yes.”

Chapter Three

Hanigan escorted Nick to the West Wing and into the chief of staff’s office, where Nelson’s national security advisor Teresa Howard waited for them.

She stood to shake hands with Nick. “Mr. Vice President, you were briefed yesterday about the ongoing situation in Iran?”

“I was.”

“Earlier today, I updated President Nelson on the latest developments.” Teresa provided a detailed analysis of message traffic intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies. “We believe they’re planning to test a nuclear warhead in the next seven to ten days. President Nelson authorized Secretary of State Ruskin to leave tomorrow with orders to defuse the situation. We need to know if you wish to continue with that plan.”