“I’d be honored.” Derek paused before he added, “Mr. President, sir.”
“Terry, what’s the rule on the Mr. President and sir stuff?”
“None of that shit when we’re alone,” Terry said.
Derek laughed. “Got it. And thank you. I have to confess, I’ve been reeling a bit since I got the word about Nelson’s passing and realized I was out of a job.”
He’d become a single father to his daughter, Maeve, after his wife, Victoria, was murdered almost two years ago. “I’d considered you for loftier posts, but I had a feeling you’d rather stick with the routine that allows you to be home for dinner with Maeve most nights.”
“You figured right. Thank you again for asking me.”
“Since I’m inheriting Nelson’s cabinet, I need all the friends around me that I can get. I was thinking about asking Christina to come back as press secretary.” His longtime friend and aide had married Sam’s colleague Tommy Gonzales on Thanksgiving. “What do you think?”
“I’m not sure she’d want the full-time gig, not to mention the stress, especially after what she and Tommy have been through lately,” Terry said.
“I’ve considered that, and I won’t be surprised if she declines. But I do plan to ask her. A few roles that require my own people, and that’s definitely one of them.” No way would he trust Nelson’s communications people to speak for him. “Trevor will be the communications director. I’ve already discussed Christina with him, and he’s all for it. We’ll see what she has to say about it. In the meantime, let’s get the vetting on the last two VP candidates and start meeting with them this week.”
They were still working their way through Terry’s agenda of items that needed Nick’s immediate attention when he heard Sam talking to the kids in the family room. “Excuse me for just a minute.”
He went to see how bad the damage to the face of his beloved was and had to bite back a gasp when he saw her. Her cheek was going to be badly bruised, and both hands were wrapped in gauze. “Aw, babe.”
“I told you it was no big deal,” she said, wincing when she tried to smile.
“Did you need stitches?”
“Thankfully, no, but getting the crap cleaned out of the cuts on my hands was all kinds of fun, let me tell you.”
“How did you hurt your hands?”
“Breaking my fall into a holly bush.”
He gently kissed the backs of her hands. “Ouch. You want to reschedule with Mrs. Nelson?”
“No way. I can do it. Tracy is coming to make me presentable.”
“I’m fine. I’m going up to wash off the blood. I’ll be ready by the time Tracy gets here. I invited her and Ang to come with me, and yes, I asked Lilia to let Mrs. Nelson’s team know I’m bringing my sisters.” She glanced at the kids, all of whom were playing with the toys on the floor. “Scotty says they seem better than they were right after Eli left.”
“They’re hanging in there. I’ve been with Terry and Derek for the last hour, with Scotty under orders to come get me if needed.” He kissed her forehead. “Go take your shower.” He waited until she was all the way upstairs before he went to find Vernon, who was outside the front door with Jimmy. The two of them and the other agents they were with snapped to attention when he appeared at the doorway.
“Mr. President,” Vernon said. “May we help you with something?”
“I was wondering if I could have a word, Vernon.”
“Of course, sir.” He stepped inside the house and followed Nick to the kitchen, the one place on the first floor where they could speak privately.
“Can I get you anything?” Nick asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
“No, thank you, sir.”
“I was just wondering if you had to get involved at the incident earlier.”
“No, sir. Your wife and her team had the situation well in hand. The perp got off a lucky elbow, which is how she got hurt. We did give her a lift to the ER, but otherwise, we weren’t needed.”
“Well, I guess that’s good.”
“If I may, sir…”