Sam laughed. “Something like that.”
“I wanted to thank you again for the incredible party for the kids. They absolutely loved it.”
“That was all Shelby.”
“It was all of you, and they know it. I’m really sorry that one of the dick parents released that photo and caused problems for Nick.”
“Don’t worry about that. He doesn’t care what anyone says. He was right where he wanted to be while also juggling an international crisis. You said you’d come home every weekend for a while, but I really don’t think you need to. Focus on school, and we’ll take good care of the twins.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. We’ll call you in if they’re having trouble adjusting, but I think they’ll be fine.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I am. We’ll see you in a few weeks for Christmas?”
“I’ll be here. Or I guess I should say I’ll see you across town.”
“There’ll always be a room for you at our home.”
“That means so much to me, especially now with everything you guys have got going on. My mom is making noise about me coming to visit her, but I told her I want to be with the kids, so she has to come to me if she wants to see me.” Before their murders, he’d lived with his father and stepmother, Cleo, when he wasn’t away at school.
“We’ll make her feel welcome too.”
“That’s awesome. Thanks. She’ll shit her pants when I invite her to the White House.”
Sam laughed.
“Nick told me I’ve got to have a detail going forward.” His expression told her what he thought of that. “Just what every college student wants.”
“Every homicide detective too. It sucks, but I’m trying to tell myself it beats the alternative. People know you’re part of our family now, so that makes you vulnerable, as Nick would say.”
“That’s what he told me. I’m willing to do it if it gives him peace of mind, but…”
“I know. Trust me. I get it.”
“I guess that’s the price we pay for having our own bowling alley.”
Laughing, Sam said, “Exactly. I hear we’ll have butlers too.”
“Well, that won’t suck.”
“From what I’m told, it’s quite lovely. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Sam checked her watch and saw that she had twenty minutes before she was due to meet Freddie and Gonzo at HQ. “I’d better hit it. Let us know if you need anything at school. We’re here for you.”
He got out of bed to hug her. “Thank you, Sam. You guys are the best.”
“We love you. Be safe.”
“You too.”
Sam went down the stairs and found Vernon and Jimmy waiting for her by the door. “Morning,” she said to them and the new agent working the door. “I’ll be ready in a minute.”
She went into the kitchen, brewed coffee to go and grabbed a protein bar to hold her over until she had time to eat a real meal. Juggling her mug and coat, she met the agents at the door.
“I’m going to MPD headquarters.”
“We’ll be right behind you,” Vernon said.