She couldn’t believe Vernon had ratted her out, even if he was probably just following agency rules. “That’s correct, but I was going to see a woman who’s become a friend in the fifteen years since her son was murdered. We recently reopened his cold case. His mother invited me for lunch and to go over the list of questions I had. At no time was I in any danger.”
“That you know of.”
She cast a glance at Vernon, who stood behind the sofa with Jimmy and Brant. “What does that even mean?”
“It means the threats may not be visible to you or your team,” Pierce said.
“If you know about them, all you have to do is tell us so we’ll be extra aware. We don’t have to go overboard. We can simply share information and react accordingly. There’s really no need for overkill.”
Pierce looked to Nick for his input.
“I think Sam makes a good point. If you share information with her, she and her team can be more vigilant.”
Sam wanted to kiss him on the lips but held back that urge until they were alone, when he would be richly rewarded for having her back.
“Very well,” Pierce said, visibly displeased to have his recommendation shot down. “We’ll go with two agents for now and reassess as needed.”
“I want to say something.” While Sam took a second to collect her thoughts, she reached for Nick’s hand. “I have a lot to live for.” She smiled at Nick, who looked at her with love and admiration. “I finally have the family I’ve always wanted and a husband I adore. I’m always careful and vigilant on the job. Yes, things happen. Sometimes crazy, unexpected things happen, but I’m very well trained to handle those situations. I know you’d all prefer for me to be a traditional first lady, but I’m just not that person. I’ll do everything I can to support my husband in this new role and to be extra careful on the job going forward.
“I know what can happen. I understand your job is to protect our family, and we so appreciate what the agents do for us every day. My goal is not to make your jobs harder. My goal is to continue doing my job while you do yours. If the day comes when that’s truly not possible, we’ll revisit this arrangement. But until then, you’ve fulfilled your due diligence by making me aware of your concerns. I take full responsibility for the decision to keep my detail limited to two agents and to continue to drive myself on the job. I only ask that the agents be on standby for worst-case scenarios and refrain from involving themselves in any police action.”
“We appreciate your cooperation and will do what we can to make it possible for you to remain on the job while serving as first lady,” Pierce said. “I want you to know that as fellow LEOs, we admire your determination to continue working.”
“Even if it complicates things for you all?” Sam asked, smiling.
“Even if. We’ll do everything we can for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Mr. President, you’ve requested to keep Agent Brantley as your lead agent.”
“Yes,” Nick said. “He’s done an excellent job, and we’re all very comfortable with him.”
“I’ve approved his appointment to continue heading up your detail.”
“That’s wonderful.” Nick looked at the young agent who’d become such a big part of their lives since he became vice president. “Congratulations, Brant.”
“Thank you, sir, for your faith in me. I’m honored to continue working with you and your family.”
They spent the next fifteen minutes reviewing arrangements for each of the children, including Elijah, who was now under the protection of a detail at Princeton.
“We had a few challenges working out logistics for him on short notice, but we were able to secure off-campus housing for his detail and made arrangements in conjunction with Princeton’s campus police,” Pierce said. “We expect there to be a moment of adjustment for a college junior who isn’t accustomed to being surrounded by security. But so far, he’s cooperating and understands the need.”
“If that changes, please let me know,” Nick said. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. President.”
The meeting ended a few minutes later with the others filing out of the Oval Office.
Sam expelled a deep breath full of relief. “That went pretty well.”
“You were so sexy when you were telling Ambrose how it was gonna be.”
“Stop it. I was not.”
“Were too, and every guy in the room thought it was hot as fuck.”
“You’re insane.”