Gideon laughed. “Thank you for the warning, ma’am, but I’ve heard only good things about your sister and brother-in-law.” To Sam, he said, “My staff and I are ready to welcome your family to the White House. It’ll be the first time in many years that we’ve had young children in residence. Everyone is looking forward to that.”
“The kids are excited about the bowling alley, the pool and the movie theater,” Sam said.
“We’ll make sure all three are ready for them. Your husband has already spoken with us about procuring a play set for the South Lawn for the little ones.”
Touched to hear that, Sam said, “Why am I not surprised? He thinks of everything.”
“We’ll be reaching out this week to finalize the plans for your move.” Gideon handed her his business card and a file folder. “That’s a copy of the in-depth questionnaire we ask all incoming families to complete so we can have what you need ready for you. It covers everything from your preferred shampoo to food choices and sizes for new bowling shoes for each family member. The sooner we can get that information, the faster we can get busy preparing for your arrival.”
“I’ll get it right back to you,” Sam said, handing it to Tracy.
“She means that one of us will get it back to you,” Tracy said.
Gideon laughed. “Whatever works for you works for us. We’d also love to have a collection of family photos we can use to decorate the residence.”
“We can take care of that too,” Angela said.
He handed business cards to Tracy and Angela. “In the meantime, we’re at your service. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns you may have.”
“Thank you, Gideon,” Sam said. “I look forward to working with you.”
“Likewise, ma’am. Say the word, and I’ll have staff assigned to packing up your current home to prepare for the move.”
“I can do that? Just say the word and make that happen?”
“Yes, ma’am. You’re the first lady. We work for you.”
“Let me speak to Nick… er, the president, about that and get back to you tomorrow.”
“I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”
Gideon escorted them to yet another room on the main floor. “This is called the Vermeil Room, or the gold room.” He gestured for them to go into the room where Gloria waited for them.
A staffer materialized with a gift bag that she gave to Gloria. “Thank you, Ariana.” Gloria handed the bag to Sam. “This is for you. I’ve included some of my favorite books about the White House as well as a guestbook. You’ll have a lot of visitors while you’re here. You’ll want to record them all for history.”
“Thank you so much for the gifts, the generosity, the information and, most of all, for the gracious example you’ve set for me and everyone who will follow us both,” Sam said. “I appreciate your willingness to help me during this difficult time for you and your family.”
“It’s been a pleasure to have you and to get to know you and your husband over the last year. My door is always open to you and the president if I can be of service to you. I included my contact information in the bag.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Nelson.”
“Please, call me Gloria. We’re members of a very small club, and we have to stick together.”
Sam hugged her. “I too will wish for all the best for you and your family.”
“I’ll pray for your every success.”
“Before we go, I wondered if I might leave a gift for Nick in his new office.”
“I can help with that,” Gideon said. “Right this way.”
“Thank you again,” Sam said to Gloria before she, her sisters and Lilia followed Gideon to the West Wing. She realized she was taking the route Nick would travel each day to go to work.
“Nick is lucky he gets to walk to work,” Angela said, echoing Sam’s thoughts.
“I was just thinking the same thing.”
“Previous presidents have referred to it as ‘living above the store,’” Gideon said. “Many presidents would tell you that working and living in the White House is good for families that are accustomed to spending a lot of time apart during campaigns or when separated by other offices.”