"My dad," Eve repeated. "You're sure."

"That's what he said. I told him, no promises." Claire sipped her mocha, which was perfect, and watched Eve's expression. Not too easy to read, right now. "He didn't try to hurt me."

"Broad daylight, on a main street? Yeah, well, he's bug-out crazy, but he's not stupid." Eve seemed very far away, suddenly. And all her happy glow was gone. "I haven't talked to either one of my parents since my eighteenth birthday."

"Why not?"

"They tried to sell me to Brandon," she said flatly. "Like a piece of meat on the hoof. I don't know why Jason's suddenly all nostalgic about the fam; it's not like there were good times to remember."

"But they're still your parents."

"Yeah, unfortunately. Look, here's the story of the Rosser clan: we're the original nuclear family. As in, nuclear bomb. Toxic even when it doesn't explode." Eve shook her head. "Whatever Dad's damage is, I don't care. And I don't know why Jason would, either."

Another student had paid for coffee, and Eve cast him an absent, empty smile and started pulling espresso shots with mechanical precision. "It's nothing, " she said. "And I'm hanging up on him when he calls. If he calls. And even if it's something, I don't give a damn anyway."

Claire just nodded. She had no idea what to say. Eve was clearly upset, a lot more upset than she'd expected her to be. She waved good-bye and took herself off to a nearby study table, and began plowing through a book she'd borrowed from the library. Somebody's PhD paper, which read like the guy had never bothered to attend a single English Composition class.

Good equations, though. She was heavily involved in them when her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" She didn't recognize the number, but it was local, and not her parents.

"Claire Danvers?"

"Yes, who's this?"

"My name's Dr. Robert Mills. I'm the one who treated your friend Shane in the hospital."

She felt a piercing sensation of alarm. "Nothing's wrong with - "

"No, nothing like that," he broke in hastily. "Look, you were the one who had the red crystals, right? The ones that nearly killed the mayor's daughter?"

Claire's momentary relief burned away like flash paper. "I guess," she said. "I gave them to the doctor."

"Well, here's the thing: I've been looking at those crystals. Where'd you get them?"

"I - found them." Technically true.


"In a lab."

"I need you to show me this lab, Claire."

"I don't think I can do that, I'm sorry."

"Look, I understand that you're probably protecting someone - someone important. But if it helps, I already have approval from the Council to work on these crystals, and I really need more information about them - who developed them, how, the ingredients. I think I can help."

Amelie was on the Elders' Council. But she hadn't said anything about working with the doctor. "Let me find out what I can tell you," Claire said. "I'm sorry. I'll call you back."

"Soon," he said. "I've been told the goal is to increase the effectiveness of the drug by at least fifty percent within the next couple of months."

Claire blinked, surprised. "Do you know what it does?"

Dr. Mills - who sounded pleasant and normal -  laughed. "Do I really know? Probably not. This is Morganville - we invented the concept of the secret around here. But I have a pretty decent idea that whatever it is, it's not designed for human consumption. "

That was as much as Claire wanted to talk about on the phone, no matter how friendly he seemed. After a quick excuse, she hung up and called Amelie. She intended to leave a message, and that, she thought, would probably be the end of it.

Amelie picked up the call. Claire stammered, took a deep breath, and told her about Dr. Mills and his request.

"I should have told you last evening. I have decided to concede to your request to have additional resources on this project," Amelie said. "Dr. Mills is a trusted expert, a longtime resident of the town, and he won't make the kind of value judgments others might. He's also capable of keeping our secrets, and that is imperative. You understand why."

Claire did, all too well. The crystals were a drug that helped vampires ward off the effects of a degenerative disease - a disease they all had, one that was robbing them of their ability to reproduce. Amelie was the strongest, but she was sick, too, and the worst cases were insane and locked away in cells beneath Morganville.

And so far, few of the vampires knew about the illness. Once they did, there might be nothing to stop them from lashing out, blaming others. Innocent humans, probably.

Just as bad would be the effect on the human population. Once they knew the vampires weren't invincible, how many of them would really cooperate? Amelie had long ago figured that this could destroy Morganville, and Claire was pretty sure she was right.

"But - he wants to see Myrnin's lab," Claire said. Myrnin, her mentor and sometimes even her friend, had slipped off the edge of sanity, and he was in one of the cells. Lucid sometimes, and other times . . . dangerously not. "Should I take him there?"

"No. Tell him that you'll bring what he needs to the hospital. I don't want any human other than yourself in that lab, Claire. There are secrets that must be kept, and I rely on you to see to it. Restrict his research only to refining and enhancing the formula you've already created." What Amelie meant, in that queen-cool way, was that if Claire spilled the beans, she'd end up dead. Or worse.

"Yes," Claire said faintly. "I understand. About my parents - "

"They are safe enough," Amelie said. That wasn't the same thing as saying they were safe. "You will not see Mr. Bishop for the time being. If you happen to see his two associates, be polite, but don't fear; they are well in hand."

Maybe by Amelie's standards. Claire was a little bit more worried. "Okay," she said doubtfully. "If anything happens - "

"Discuss it with Oliver," Amelie said. "Curiously, I find the differences between us lessened dramatically once my sire paid a visit. Nothing like a common enemy to unite squabbling neighbors." She paused for a moment, and then said, almost awkwardly, "You and your friends? You are well?"

We're doing small talk now? Claire shivered. "Yeah, we're fine. Thank you."

"Good." Amelie hung up. Claire mouthed a silent Oooo-kay, and pocketed the phone.