Page 31 of Shield My Heart

If I’m honest, that’s what scared me the most. I should be able to but after today I know someone close to me isn’t the person I think they are. The last thing I need to do is give them every detail so that they can blindside me. It was time to play against them and catch them because Xander was right earlier. I’d never be able to settle down and relax in life until whoever was behind this was long gone from my life. I wanted the rounded belly. I wanted the ring on my finger. I wanted my man by my side and some lunatic could whistle if they thought they’d stop the vision of a happy life in my head becoming a reality because the only people who could do that was Xander or I.

“I think that’s the best way forward. If you hide back in the shadows now, then whoever this is will only push harder and to what lengths?” Travis stands up and paces the length of the room. “I don’t know. I could try and see if we can delay filming?”

“No,” Xander and I both shouted out at once. We chuckled at how ironic it was that we’d both react so instantly at something that really wasn’t that important.

“I think we need to continue on as normal. Push through and show the world that Charlotte Baxterly is a force to be reckoned with, not a weak mouse scared to show her face.” Xander growled before grabbing my face with his hands and roughly kissing me hard, taking my breath away, forgetting the ensemble of people sat around us until I pulled back breathless.

“He’s right,” Barrett replied. “You’re an actress. Show them what you’re made of.”

“Hell yes I am. If my stalker wants an award-winning performance then let’s give them one. I’m only happy to comply. It’s my job and I was made to bring down the roof,” I admitted with a wide grin as I pulled back my shoulders and stood up off Xander’s lap, grabbing his hand in mind. I pulled him up to stand by my side and allowed him to wrap his arm around my waist as his fingers danced along my hip bone. “I’ll give them a show to remember, one that will be imprinted in their minds on replay when they are eventually behind bars.”

“That’s my girl.” Xander dug his fingers into my side and turned me to face him before reaching his other hand up and trailing his fingers down to my collar bone. “And no one, I repeat no one, will ever hurt what’s mine again. Ever.”



Isaw the hesitation in Charlotte’s gorgeous, dark-pooled eyes the moment she let the words slip that she had a plan regarding her stalker. I wished I could’ve telepathically shared what was going through my head prior to her outburst but it was too late. I knew she wished she could’ve swallowed the admission straight back down and never have mentioned a damn thing in front of them. I could tell by Charlotte’s little quirks, the way she kept looking for reassurance from me, always assessing her surroundings and which of the guys were with her; it showed me that she was hyper aware of the situation she faced. That she couldn’t trust those nearest and dearest to her, especially after today’s photograph and revelation with the letter killed me.

I understood completely why as only a select few people knew of today’s meeting with Stuart Castleford at Fido’s, which narrowed the suspects down. Unless the person wasn’t working alone. After Charlotte and I had managed to persuade Travis and Cass to grab some takeout food for us all it gave me a chance to talk to the people I needed to. The ones that I knew would never betray me and the woman I loved.

“I’m glad you kept it brief, kitten,” Xander began before Barrett and Memphis nodded. “Something just doesn’t feel right and I know Travis is your boss and that Cass is a close friend but—”

“Only a few knew about today. It’s unlikely my stalker was tailing me for all this time, waiting for me to leave the studios or home,” she interrupted as I kissed her temple, craving the warmth from her. “It was too precise. Too planned.”

“I agree but we need to be extra vigilant right now,” I exclaimed. “This plan of yours, kitten, we need to discuss it alone.”

“I know. We’ll have takeout and I was thinking we need to get Cass and Travis to leave. Cass needs to move back to her place but obviously with protection watching the place. Just in case,” Charlotte admitted before taking a glance at me.

She was trying to get a sense of what my thoughts were before her gaze caught Barrett’s nod of approval. I’d sent Memphis behind, trailing after Travis and Cass. I wasn’t taking anything to chance.

“Did you find anything on the search?”

I knew she’d ask. I wished Charlotte would’ve let me sort out business decisions without her needing to know every detail first but it was pointless. She was too inquisitive, too involved to just sit back and twiddle her thumbs and wait for me to give her the snippets that I thought she needed to know. Charlotte wanted to know everything and if our roles had been reversed, I don’t think I’d have been as patient as she had been. I’d have cracked near enough immediately and demanded answers, even if the questions hurt me in the process.

“Nothing,” Barrett answered before I had a chance to open my mouth. I watched as he stared out the window, seemingly lost in thought. “I’m just glad you can see what Xander thought in the first place. This person knows you well…”

“That’s what scares me,” Charlotte admitted while she wrapped her arms around herself. “What lengths will they go to with their threats? Am I really going to see my birthday next week?” Charlotte cowered her body, tucking into herself and I hated it. I despised what this person had done to the strong woman beside me.

“Kitten, you never need to worry. You have me.” Her words settled into my chest. Fuck her birthday is next week. The letters said that she wouldn’t see her next birthday. That meant… “Charlotte, we have a week to catch this fucker. I hope we can work with this idea of yours because on your birthday, I know how we’re celebrating.”

“How?” Charlotte lifted her head and I hoped she could read me because fuck, I wasn’t saying it out loud. Even if Barrett was focused on scanning every inch of the area he could see outside that window, I knew he would pick up on my words. I bit down on my lip and soothed it with my tongue, watching as Charlotte’s nails dug into her thighs and her breath hitched slightly. “Xander… ”

“A week, kitten. A week, that’s all.”

* * *

Takeaway was delicious. A spicy chicken and mushroom, cheese stuffed crust pizza with garlic bread and cheesy chips. It was pure grease and just what I needed. Fuck, the calories or the hours I’d need to put in at the gym afterwards to ensure the pounds stayed off because every damn bite was worth it.

The tension in the room was thick and heavy. Cass and Travis remained silent; had they been discussing what had happened on the journey? I didn’t know but it seemed out of character for the pair of them who normally couldn’t be shut up at all. Honestly, we normally had to fight to get a word in when one of them had become enthralled in a subject. So what was the deal? Was this more than just the letters? Were the pair of them actually realizing the seriousness and risks they were in from even being associated with Charlotte at the moment? Did they want to call time? I didn’t know but I wasn’t in the mood to push the issue. I needed the time alone with Charlotte to talk and to sink back deep inside her pussy as I relish in what was mine.

“Charlotte,” Cass spoke quietly. “I was thinking, if you don’t mind, I think I’m going to head back to my place.” She let out a breath, not wanting to catch my gaze. Hmm, interesting. “I moved in here to keep the pair of you apart after all.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Charlotte replied, twisting a lock of her hair as she side-eyed me in a plea to keep my mouth shut. I guess she didn’t want to seem a bitch. She wanted her friend to leave and I understood completely why she had this wariness suddenly. “Xander is staying but that room is yours. You know that.”

“Still, I’d feel better giving you some space. Travis said he’s happy to drop me back home,” Cass admitted. I nodded and she then stood up and headed to the door. “I’ll just grab a few of my things and then sort the rest out later.

“Cass…” I jumped to my feet and into her space. “Are you okay?” I questioned. “I know this can’t be easy.”