Page 25 of Shield My Heart


Charlotte thought that I was blind to the chaos she’d unleashed when she demanded lunch with the fan-loving and woman obsessed superstar Stuart Castleford. I played dumb, wanting to know if she’d lie to me about who he was or whether she’d be truthful. I had never been so glad when she admitted who he was to me because a relationship built on lies would never work.

I admired that he was a man of many talents but that ended when it concerned my woman. I’d never stand in the way of Charlotte wanting to push her career forward as long as that was all it was. I wanted Charlotte to realize who she belonged to before we left the building for lunch. I needed my demeanor to shine through, for my asshole controlling ways to be the number one focus, because no matter what happened Stuart Castleford would never have what’s mine. I just knew that my gut was twisting in agony that something wasn’t right here and I couldn’t leave it alone. Deep down I was missing something huge, judging by the way that the others were tiptoeing around me but I just couldn’t pinpoint what it was. It would come to me soon; it always did.

Over the last month, since we’d both agreed it would be in our best interest to concentrate on our business relationship and put a halt to our personal side until Charlotte’s stalker had been caught had been hell. There was just this continuous pressure of anger within me as I tried to avoid the desire of just saying fuck it and taking what I want.

I’d coped until now—just —but today something had flicked alive inside me and wound me up. I just hoped I could control it until I was alone later.

“We’re here,” I announced as the car came to an abrupt stop. I cast my eyes in a narrowed gaze at the jolt the driver had caused. I watched the guy mouth a sorry at us but that wasn’t good enough to me. I’d deal with it later. “Are you okay?”

“Of course, Xander. No need to fuss,” Charlotte began as she reached for the handle and I tutted at her.

“Don’t. Remember what I said.”

“Oh.” She blushed as I took the picture of her in front of me. Damn, I loved that rose tint on her cheeks. I remember how vividly her skin went as it blushed a lovely rouge color when I was fucking her. Fuck. Now is not the time for this. “I forgot.”

“It’s okay. I’m just waiting for the all-clear and then I’ll let you out.”

Two minutes later my walkie-talkie alerted me to a message that the surroundings were clear and I was fine to escort Charlotte from the car and into Fido’s directly to the far, alcoved booth in the right-hand corner. Privacy. Perfect. I got out of the car, checking as I went for anything or anyone suspicious before I reached Charlotte’s door and opened it up, guiding her out under my protection.

The moment I managed to get Charlotte to the table I stiffened my spine. I knew that look. That smirk. That gaze. The bastard. I took a glance at Charlotte and she avoided my questioning glance. Fuck! I knew it. I fucking knew it.

“Charlotte…” I began as I went to grip her wrist but she subtly avoided the contact.

“Not now. Later,” she whispered. “Stuart…” Charlotte leant in for a hug and I growled loudly enough for the pair of them to hear my anger at the situation. “It’s great to see you.”

I’d rather you not be in the country. Fucker,I thought.

“You look amazing. Isn’t that blue number like the one we wore on that private boat that time?” Stuart asked, winking at Charlotte before indicating for her to take a seat and him sitting in the chair across. I ground my teeth together as I tried to stay calm, attempting to remain impassive before Stuart turned to face me when Charlotte grabbed the menu and began scanning through the list of choices and gave me a shit-eating smirk. “That bikini…”

“Enough!” I ordered, making my way next to Charlotte and pulling the menu away from her as her eyes widened. “I said enough.”

“But the perspiration on her skin…” Stuart teased as he reached forward for my woman’s hand.

“Don’t you dare touch her,” I demanded. I pushed his hand away in one swift moment as his laughter echoed around the room. “She’s mine. Do you hear me?”

I grabbed hold of Charlotte’s face, clasping her soft cheeks within my warm palms and held her tightly, knowing I can’t hold myself back any longer. The scary thought is I don’t want to hold myself back. Even though her shocked face and slightly parted mouth screams that I should back away now, it only takes one glance into the depths of her eyes to know that she wants this just as much as I do.

I lean in without hesitation and move my right hand lightly as I caress her cheek whilst gathering the loose wisps of hair from around her face. I kissed her succulent lips with brute force, swallowing the gasp that leaves her lips at the contact. I’d fucking missed this. I traced my tongue over the seam of her mouth and demanded Charlotte to open her mouth for me further, to let me in. A growl forces its way up my throat as my hold on her face quickly moves around and circles her neck before pulling her in closer. My tongue fucks her mouth harshly, coating the sides of her mouth, not giving Charlotte a chance to think as she matched my movements stroke by stroke. I felt her fingertips trail up my chest, my body heaving with each breath taken as the crash back to reality hit me and I realized we were in public. Fuck!

I pulled away from the kiss and instantly regretted the movement, desperate for more, but as I saw Charlotte bite down on her lip and cower into my chest, I knew I had to get the pair of us out of here with as little speculation to the quick escape as possible.

“Stuart…” I began and he just stared wide-mouthed and shocked. “I…”

“Don’t,” he retorted. “I knew there was something, but…” He shook his head from left to right. “You both need to go before the media gets here. I’ll say that Charlotte’s just received some bad news if I’m asked.”

“Thank you,” I replied, pulling Charlotte into my side and keeping her hidden from the faces around us who obviously saw the huge spectacle we’d given them. “I appreciate it. We both do.”

“I’ll be in touch,” Stuart uttered. “Take care of each other.”

“I certainly will,” I replied

* * *

I’d lost count of the number of voices that hit my walkie-talkie within the last few minutes, asking why I wasn’t in position and why the pair of us had graced to a standing position where we both were putting ourselves at risk. I sent a quick signal through morse code knowing that each of my men would know not to question my authority and just scan the fucking area so I could get the pair of us back to the car as soon as possible. The moment the reply static hit my ears I moved. I got the pair of us in the car and closed the doors.

“Charlotte’s place and put your foot down.” I smirked at Charlotte before raising the divider in the center, using the excuse that the driver would talk back about how I should be heading straight back to Victory Studios. Fuck that! “How long until Cass realizes that we’ve finally boycotted her?” I winked, allowing my index finger to stroke over her flushed cheek.