His pistol hand is moving slowly towards me, and for some reason I can’t figure out, I’ve seem to have dropped my rifle behind me.

Pulling my switchblade from my pocket, I lurch towards him.

Glancing over, I see Meredith staring at me with wide eyes.

My beautiful ballerina looks at me in horror right before I feel another bullet slam into my right pec.

Thankfully, I think the vest stopped it like the other ones. The hot feeling of blood spilling down my arm tells me he got me at least once though.

“No!” I hear my princess’s voice scream.

She scrambles over to the asshole who shot me. Pulling the pistol from his hand, she kneels on top of his chest.

Shoving the gun into his forehead, she doesn’t hesitate to pull the trigger twice.

Blood explodes from the head and splatters both the floor and her face.

She’s made a mess of herself for me.

I’m not sure why, but if I wasn’t hurting so bad I think my dick would be so hard I’d walk with a limp.

My woman. She’s my pregnant woman.

Dropping the gun, she crawls over to me. Her eyes tight with worry. “Simon! Oh my god, you’re bleeding!”

“It’s… take… help me get… vest,” I grunt.

Slipping my fingers into the side of my vest, I try to start unfastening the Velcro holding it tight to me.

Too damn tight.

“Clear!” James shouts from the back of the plane.

“Do you have Asad?” I hear Lucifer’s voice from outside of the plane.

Meredith pulls my face back to face hers. “Look at me, Simon!”

“Vest. Can’t. Breathe,” I grunt.

Finally grabbing a strap, I start to pull it off but stop because the pain in my other shoulder lances through me.

Looking to my left shoulder, I see a lot of blood, but it looks like I’ve been winged more than hit.

That doesn’t stop the tears flowing down Meredith’s face as she tries to help me with the vest.

“It’s okay,” I gasp when the vest is finally loosened.

“It’s not a bad one, I’ve had worse. Princess, look at me,” I say, pulling her close to me with my good arm.

“Then why did you have to take that vest off?” she asks with worry, still staring at my shoulder.

“Look at me, Meredith!” I command.

Looking up with fear-filled eyes, she stares into my face, “Yes, Simon?”

“I’m so very proud of you.” I reach up and wipe at some of the blood covering her face.

“Thank you for coming for me,” she sobs as she leans forward, putting her forehead to mine.

A lot of commotion comes from the back of the plane as Lucifer boards. I can distinctly hear Asad screaming his head off about his father.

“Help me stand, princess. We’re going to need to get out of here,” I say to her.

Nodding her head, she says “Simon… I… I… thank you.”

I don’t think that’s what she was going to say, but right now I don’t think she can cope with having put a bullet through a man’s head.

“Don’t worry, princess, I will always come for you. You’ve done so well today, I might just spank you as a reward,” I say with a painful chuckle

“Jesus, Simon, your incorrigible,” she says with a shaky laugh.

I do notice that she didn’t say she didn’t want one though.

Suddenly my phone begins to buzz in my pocket as we start shuffling towards the plane’s open hatch.

Pulling it from my pocket with my good hand, I allow Meredith to keep my bad arm cradled to my side.

On the cracked screen I see it’s Marcus.

Pushing the connect button, I say, “What is it?”

“We’re ten minutes out, Simon. Can you hold till we get there?”

“Go fuck yourself,” I say into the phone before disconnecting it.

Asshole didn’t rush to get here and he knows it. He should have been here shortly after us. There is no way that bag of human flesh rushed his way here. Especially since I know for a fact they have access to a helicopter just like Lucifer does.

Lucifer comes out of the back of the plane with a gagged Asad being marched behind him. “Simon, is it serious?”

“No, fucker winged me, and cracked ribs at the most,” I say breathily.

Definitely cracked ribs.

“Good. And thank you for rescuing my sister,” he says as he gives a smile to Meredith.

Nodding my head, I motion for them to go first. “Let’s get him to the warehouse.”

“No, you need to go to a hospital,” Meredith says from my side in a voice I’ve not heard before.

This one isn’t defiant, pleading, or demanding. She’s speaking like her fucking brother.

Full of surety.

Chuckling quietly, I wince as I say, “I’ll have Andrew meet us there. He can patch me up. A hospital is not in the cards for me. Not with how bad Johnathan is. We need to keep this as low profile as we can right now.”