Page 10 of Tyson

“I’ve got a plan,” he says, brushing a hair away from my eyes. “One that’s going to benefit everyone.”

By everyone, I wonder if this also includes me.

“Would you ever want to come to San Francisco?” He asks.

I meet his sparkling hazel eyes, searching for any sign of pity or words for word’s sake, but find none. “To visit? Yeah.”

“To visit, sure, but what about to live?”

I sit up straight, holding the sheet against my chest. “What? Like…with you?”

“It doesn’t have to be with me, but I want to be with you, and with my job there, I can’t—” I don’t give him the chance to finish. I press my lips against his. “I take it, that's a yes?”

I want to scream that it’s a big, fat, yes. But why make it easy on him? “One condition.”

“What’s that?”

“It requires a serenade.”

“What?” He furrows his brow.

I hum the first few bars of My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. He blushes a shade of red I’ve never seen before, but eventually, he joins in. By the end of the song, he’s belting out the notes, and as cheesy as it is, I know that everything’s going to turn out just fine. My first crush still lives inside of Tyson Gray, and I’m willing and ready to learn all about the man he’s become.