“Yikes.” I say, twisting my lips. “Where the hell did that come from?”

When Tash and Caro return, we settle Tash with a cookie and a mini cupcake while my sister joins me in a cup of coffee near the counter. With the little one out of earshot, Carolyn jumps on the opportunity. “We miss you around here, you know?”

“Good.” I square my shoulders.

“But we understand that you’ve got to figure things out for yourself right now.”

My heart sinks. Seriously, it’s like they missed the entire point of me getting a different job. Then again, what did I think? That the bakery would fold without me there to help? No wonder no one misses my contributions. I guess they weren’t all that important to begin with.

“What’s the dad like?” Carolyn asks.

“Secretive. Oddly enough, he’s home most of the time. In his office.” I think of the quick flashes of Trent I’ve seen since I’ve moved in. His bare feet padding across the kitchen floor to grab a snack before holing himself up in his office for ten hours a day. His broad shoulders always look like they’re about to burst through his t-shirt, revealing his ink-splashed, corded arms. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was a professional athlete instead of a…

“Do you know what he does?” I lean in closer. “For a living?”

“He actually went to high school with Nick. Owns a construction company.” She whispers, in case Tash’s little ears are satellites. “He’s like a billionaire, Em.”

“No.” I shake my hair free from its top knot. “I mean, he’s rich but I don’t think he’s that rich. Billionaires don’t even really exist.” I roll my eyes. On second thought… “Right?”

“If they do, he’s one.” My sister’s eyes widen. “Supposedly he’s heading the new subdivision project just outside of town.”

“How do you know all of this?”

“My boyfriend’s a cop, Em. I know much more about this town and the people in it than I’m supposed to. Trust me.”

We chat for a while, and I help her wipe down the tables. I don’t realize how late it’s getting until the sunlight dims in the bakery. “Crap.”

“Bad word.” Tash points her chocolate stained finger at me.

“It is not.” I hush her. “We’re late. I have to start dinner and with Mr. Billionaire home, he’ll know if I’m late.”

Carolyn pulls me into a hug and sneaks Tash a bag of cookies before we head out. I snatch it from her hands. When she whines, I shoot her a look that lets her know that these cookies are off limits. “Dinner first, Miss Thing.”

“Fine.” She scuffs her feet. The ride home is quieter. My headlights pierce the darkness and I rack my brain thinking of something to fix for dinner that isn’t directly from a box, wondering if a can is any better? I open the front door and Tash runs inside. To my surprise, the smell of garlic fills the air. I close the door behind me and slowly make my way into the kitchen. Trent stands at the stove, stirring something that smells like absolute heaven. Speaking of which, the way he fills out those jeans is a little piece of heaven in and of itself.

“I hope you’re hungry.” He turns to face me and I pull my eyes away just in time.

“Starving.” I say, unable to believe that the man’s come out of his layer to make us dinner. Then a horrible thought occurs. “You’re asking me, right?”

Again, he flashes his bright green eyes at me. My knees turn to noodles. “Who else would I be talking to?” Then he peers down at his hyper daughter, dancing around the table and singing a song about God knows what. “I know this one’s hungry.”

“I had cookies.” My cheeks flush crimson as she rats me out.

“I didn’t know you were cooking,” I say.

“It’s fine,” he says, and brings the wooden spoon to his full lips. He tastes the red marinara sauce and I envision myself being the one he asks to taste it. Like his girlfriend or his wife.

“Whoa!” I say, shoving the image from my head. A look of confusion splashes across Trent’s face. “Let’s eat?” I smile, trying to cover up my faux pas.

Whatever the hell just popped into my head, I kick it out hard. This guy is my boss. Although, he is the kind of boss you can’t help but fantasize over.



With my outof town meeting suddenly cancelled, I decided it would be fun to cook dinner. I hand Tash the plates and, with Emmi’s help, she sets the table. It’s hard not to imagine Emmi as part of the family. Technically, as long as she’s employed by me, she is in a way. Though I can’t get the thought of pressing her up against the wall and tasting that sweet mouth of hers out of my head. My fists ball at my sides. I thought I could handle this, having dinner with her, but I want her so bad, it’s just too damn hard.

“Maybe I’ll eat in my office.” I fill my plate with ravioli.