The next morning,it takes me a minute to remember where the hell I am, and why I’m so sore between my legs. Both realizations dawn at the same time. I’m at Nick’s house after an all night lovemaking session. My cheeks flush recalling how we couldn’t get enough of each other’s bodies last night. How every new climax felt stronger, more intense than the last, and that I’m still buck naked under his high thread count sheets.

When I risk a glance in his direction, I’m shocked to find his eyes are open. “Oh, you’re awake.” I lick my lips, aware that my breath must be that of the morning variety. “Were you watching me sleep?”

“Guilty.” He says and brushes a strand of stray hair from my eyelash. The silence stretches between us and part of me wonders if he regrets this, a woman with emotional baggage who may or may not need some time to fully warm up to the idea of love. Nick is the first to break the awkward silence.

“Carolyn, I do have one question for you.”

I knew it. This is all too good to be true. “Yeah?” I sit up and rest my head in my hand, silently calculating where the hell my dress is on the bedroom floor.

His hazel-green eyes are bright and magnificent in the morning sun. “What do you want for breakfast?”

I flat out do a double take. “That’s it? That’s your question.”

Nick’s lips turn down at the corners. “Yeah, what did you think I was going to ask you? How was I last night?” He wags his thick eyebrow, causing me to blush. A smile creeps on my face.

“Eggs, bacon, and a cinnamon roll.” I swallow the relief at knowing that this may work out. That Nick is right, sometimes you have to take a chance on love and that maybe in the end it is worth risking everything for. Being in this gorgeous man’s bed is something I never dreamed of, but it feels safe, and warm and overall just right.

“And…” I sit up, holding the sheet around my breasts. “I’ve had better.”

Nick’s eyes widen as his jaw drops. “Is that right?” He moves closer to me, pressing his naked body on top of mine. He’s already hard and ready to go. He goes to kiss me, but I turn my head.

“No! Morning breath.”

He presses a gentle kiss on my forehead as he wiggles his hips between my legs. “Fair enough, but I’m not stopping until you screamYou’re the best, Officer Danvers.”

“I thought it was just Nick—” My own words die in my throat as Officer Danvers presses inside of me. I wrap my arms around my cop’s broad back and take in every perfect inch of him, knowing that this is the kind of man I’m willing to risk it all for.

When we’re both breathless and ready for food, Nick rolls out of bed exposing his adorable bare ass. “It’s my turn. I have a question for you.”

He slips into his boxer briefs. “Shoot.”

“Did you hit my car on purpose? Just so you could meet me?”

A sly smile stretches across his lips. “Looks like you’ll never know.”



Five YearsLater

With three kids taking up most of my time, it’s not easy to bake Christmas cookies for the whole town. Annie, my oldest, named after my mother ices the sugar cookies we’ve reserved for our own family. At age four, she’s already a natural. Two year old Levi is taking a much-needed nap and six month old Tessa is strapped to my chest, fast asleep as well—thank God.

“When’s daddy home?” Annie, my quintessential daddy’s girl, whines.

“Soon.” I hope. “He knows the Christmas cookie orders are due by the end of the weekend.”

“I can’t wait to see Aunties!” Annie’s eyes light up. She looks so much like my mother, sometimes it throws me for a loop. It’s comforting in the most wonderful way.

“You see them every day down at the bakery, honey.”

“Yeah,” she licks the icing off her finger. “But they have presents for me on Christmas.” I have to stifle a laugh at my astute, oldest daughter.

The front door flies open bringing a gust of winter wind along with it. My tall, dark and handsome husband stomps his boots on the step outside before hopping into the warm house. “Holy hell it smells good in here.”

“No cussing, daddy.” Annie points at her father, eyes wide. “Mommy said.”

“She toldyouthat, little miss potty mouth.” Nick kicks off his boots and heads over to our daughter, planting a kiss on her forehead.