He holds me tightly as I twitch and spasm on top of his cock. Catching my breath and still coming at the same time.

As soon as the last tremor fades and I get some of my strength back, I push him away.

Our eyes meet.

Mine are confused and hazy.

His are warm and tender.

“You almost killed me,” I hiss.

He smirks and tucks an errant strand of my hair behind my ear. “If I wanted to kill you—” he starts but he’s cut off as Abigail calls out.

“Mommy? Andrew?”

It sounds like she’s in the bedroom.

“Just a minute, honey!” I call out in a panic. “Mommy’s in the bathroom!”

“Oh, okay!” she responds cheerfully with some relief.

I wonder how long she’s been wondering about me.

“I might be awhile… Wait for me downstairs.”

“Oh… Okay!” she calls back less enthusiastically.

I hold my breath, listening closely to her walk out of the bedroom. A moment later we can hear her skipping down the stairs.

“Good grief,” I groan and slump against the wall. “That was too close.”

“It was,” Andrew agrees, frowning thoughtfully. “I think it’s time she went back to school.”



Shit. I’ve never been a thinker really. I mean, when have I ever needed to? It was always go here, shoot that, remove this.

Now I’m sitting here in Simon’s pristine office and my head is spinning in circles. I’m the caveman type. I don’t do the whole going through all the facts and investigating things shit.

“That’s all that we have. They were paid for the job through a blind contract, but they knew it would be for the Russians. No connections to them though. The guys who’ve been identified were all hitters out of Russia, Ukraine, and one from Syria,” Simon recites to me off of the notepad on his desk.

I lift my eyebrows at him, that just doesn’t seem right. “They’re all contractors? No actual mafia men?”

“None that we could get a line on. You did get the prints off of all the ones at your site?” he asks, and I swear he’s trying to fuck with me.

He knows for a fact I do my job to the letter. I don’t leave shit out.

“You have the thumb and forefinger off of every guy there, Simon. What the hell do you want me to do? Start snipping them off next and bring them to you?”

Johnathan starts to rumble a gravelly laugh beside me. “Can you see the Spider with a baggy of removed digits?”

Seriously, I don’t find this shit funny at all. Simon is missing something from our raids and I can feel how bad it is. We missed someone or something. Either Johnathan or I did. I just don’t know what, and Simon doesn’t either.

Elbowing Johnathan in the ribs, his laugh dims down to a low chuckle. “Shut the fuck up for a second, biker boy. Think about it… When have you ever known the Russians to hire out something like this?”

“It’s a snatch and grab. They—” he starts.

“No, no, no. Listen to me, John, it wasn’t just that,” I growl out.

My head’s spinning and I can see Simon watching me out of the corner of my eye. He’s been following this same path that I’m going down and he doesn’t like the end result, if there is one.

“Let’s go back a bit, like to the Yakuza hit on Lucifer’s wife.”

That shuts them both up and I can tell I have their full attention.

“She’s snatched and we went charging in to bring her back. We put a call out to all of the city’s hitters to get that operation done. Right?”

Johnathan shrugs but Simon nods his head slowly. “We did. We even put a bounty in with the Russians.”

“Right. What the fuck did that do for us? We got three guys, two of which swore they were just some fry cooks from a local restaurant. Why the fuck didn’t the Russians cash in with all the fleeing bastards? I mean, seriously, even our guys were pulling in tattooed bastards daily. Lucifer shelled out almost a hundred mil, right?”

“I wish he hadn’t put that bounty out there like that… It was… reckless,” Simon says.

“The Russians didn’t do shit. That’s odd. They need money too, ya know? Then with Bart I get some answers on names. We hear Ivan’s name but that’s it. Everyone who was in the know spilled a ton of shit to us, but no one knew who the financial backers were.”

“So the Russians and the Yakuza are in the same boat. We know that…” Johnathan grunts.

He’s right, this is becoming fairly easy to prove knowledge. Except the Russians are staying quiet, they aren’t banging on our door for Ivan. Why the fuck not? He’s worth a shit ton of money and he had knowledge of the job to get Lucifer’s kids.

So we knocked off their teams. From the weapons and intel we pulled from the house, they were going for the kids, but to what end?