Pulling my phone from my pocket, I quickly dial Simon. “What is it?”

“I’m taking care of the principal. Little fucking prick told the hit squad where the girls were at.”

“Fucks sake, are you serious?” he asks quietly.


“I’ll inform Lucifer. Go ahead and get any information you can. I’ll smooth anything over with the police.”

“Hurry up with the smoothing over, FBI just pulled up on the scene.”

“Will do.”

Dragging the man into one of our guy’s black SUV, I say, “Get a ride with someone else. I need to take this one in.”

It’s three quick punches that knock the little fucking shit principal out. Tossing him in the back, I head towards the warehouse.

Dragging his piss and shit soaked body to the interrogation chair only makes me angrier. This little bitch can’t even stand on his own two legs.

Slamming him down in the chair, I quickly secure his arms behind him. He’s still screaming into the gag when I hear Lucifer walk into the room behind me.

“Has he said anything yet?” he asks me.

Shaking my head, I say, “Not yet. Just got him here.”

Looking at the man’s unsecured legs, he asks, “I’ll call Harrold?”

“Probably for the best, Lucifer. I don’t think this guy knows anything of use but he fucking ratted our daughters out.”

Using medical scissors for his pant legs, I quickly have him stripped from his waist down. The little fuck is wailing again as I bring out the jumper cables.

Yanking the gag from his mouth, I say, “Tell me all you said, you little cockroach.”

“Nothing! I didn’t say a thing!”

“You told them where they were hiding!” I scream into his face.

Setting the jumper cable tips on each testicle, I watch his whole body lock up as he belts out an earsplitting scream. There are black scorch marks as I pull the tips off, then comes the smell of burning flesh.

The man screams again for a long time before I pull out a bottle of rubbing alcohol. “Here, let me make sure that doesn’t get infected.”

“Oh god, no!” he says as I pour it on his open wounds.

Shortly thereafter his eyes roll into the back of his head.

Dumping a bucket of water on his head brings him quickly back to consciousness. “You fat fuck! You told them where they were.”

“I… I…”

“Shut the fuck up! Did you see any of the men that came in?”

Nodding his head, he goes into great detail of the men he saw charging into the school. And when he speaks of a man with almost white hair, I just about snip off the finger I’ve been taking chunks from.

Fucking dammit, I knew Ivan would be involved.

Putting my .45 to the principal’s head, I give him a chance to say a final prayer. Pulling the trigger, I don’t feel very happy about having let Ivan live right now.

This man’s body in front of me is just the start of the many I expect to pile up before I get to Ivan.

I’m going tear him apart, limb from fucking limb.



Abigail is gone…


I don’t know how much time has passed since I was at the school and since Johnathan brought me home, but it’s too much. It’s been too long.

“Have you heard anything?” I ask Johnathan, desperate for any news when he walks into the living room from the kitchen.

His eyes drop to my wringing hands and then slowly slide back up to my face.

With a frown he shakes his head. “Not yet, but they’re working on it.”

He settles his big body on the couch and pulls out his phone.

I have the strongest urge to scream. To pick something up and fucking break it.

Instead, I pace in front of the TV. Now that the shock has worn off and my head has cleared, I feel like I’m going crazy with inaction.

I need to do something. I need to get Abigail back. I just can’t sit here, waiting for things to play out on their own.

Ivan has my little girl and I want to fucking kill him.

Ten more minutes pass. I pace and pace until Johnathan’s phone rings. Whirling around on him, I watch him intently as he answers.

“Yeah?” he says into the phone.

I wish I could hear whatever is being said on the other end.

He grunts.

And grunts some more.

What a fucking Neanderthal!

“Okay,” he finally says.

There’s another grunt and he hangs up.

I stare at him. He seems completely oblivious to it.

“Well?” I snap, and tap my thigh impatiently. “Any news?”

His eyes jump up to me in surprise. “Not yet.”

I throw my hands up in the air. I’m so frustrated I could fucking cry.

I stomp out of the living room and head into the kitchen to get away from Johnathan before I throw something at him.

Why would Ivan take Abigail? Why? The only reason I can think of is to get to me… But why go through all this trouble to do that?