“Close. Even tempting, but sadly, no.”
“No? You’re turning down a Lukus Mitchell tongue bath?”
“When you put it that way… Wait, no. I’ll take a rain check. What I really want more than anything is a trip to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth and then some hot breakfast. I’m starving, aren’t you?”
“Wow, you really are the perfect woman. You give me a mind-blowing blowjob and then you want to feed me?”
“Oh, no. I think you misunderstood. I’m the guest here. You’re gonna feedme.” She was tracing her fingers across his skin as she lay close to him, using his hard chest for her pillow. He missed seeing her expressive eyes.
“I already fed you.”
“Hey, that was just an appetizer. I need the main course.”
Chuckling, Lukus rolled away and finally stood. He reached back to help Tiff from the bed. They took a minute to embrace, enjoying the feel of the other’s nakedness.
“Okay, you get started in there first and I’ll come join you in the shower in a few minutes. I’m gonna find some clothes for us.”
“You’re gonna come in the bathroom with me?” He detected a quaver in her voice.
“Yeah. I can’t use the guest bath since I suspect Brianna and Markus will be up soon, if they aren’t already.”
“But… I mean...”
Lukus reached to cup her face in his hands, making it impossible for her to look away. “Enough. I know what you’re thinking, but that’s the way it’s going to be for us, baby. No lines. No secrets. Now go.”
She looked like she might argue back, but instead surprised him with a quiet, “Yes, Sir” instead.
As she turned to head to the bathroom, Lukus deposited a quick swat on her ass, eliciting the most wonderful squeal.
Better hang on tight, Mitchell. It’s a good thing you’ve always loved wild rides.
Chapter Eight
The smell of bacon and coffee were wafting through the air as Brianna and Markus finally emerged, freshly showered, from the guest room. Markus grabbed Bri’s hand possessively as they made their way to the kitchen to join Lukus and Tiffany. As much as he’d have preferred to stay in bed all day with his wayward wife, the hunger in the pit of his stomach mixed with the curiosity over what had transpired between Lukus and Tiffany finally enticed him out of their bedroom. Markus didn’t need to talk to his best friend to know he’d scored last night with Tiff. He’d heard them fucking loud and clear from all the way down the hall before dawn.
I hope I didn’t make a mistake talking Lukus into giving Tiffany a chance. I’m gonna kick his ass if he hurts her. Not to mention, Bri is gonna kill me if she finds out I had a role to play in getting Tiff’s heart broken.
The thought of a broken-hearted Tiffany evaporated as they rounded the corner and caught their first glimpse of Lukus and Tiff. Tiffany was sitting on a high-backed bar stool, legs spread as Lukus stood in front of her, pressing in tightly, one hand molded against her ass, the other cradling her neck, pulling her closer as they made out like teenagers on prom night. Only the smoke billowing out of the nearby frying pan could tear Markus’s attention away from the unexpected spectacle.
“Jesus Christ. You two trying to burn down the loft?”
Lukus snapped out of their embrace to quickly rescue the burning bacon. “Fuck. I hate burnt bacon.”
“And I thought you said you were a good cook. Looks like you could use a few cooking lessons.” Tiffany was taunting him. Between bacon flipping, Lukus shot her a warning look that should have brought a halt to any teasing, but one flash of her bright smile had Lukus melting into his own grin.
Tiffany’s playful giggle caught Markus’s attention. He’d known Tiff for years and was glad to hear laughter that indicated nothing untoward had upset her, yet. Still, her mirth seemed out of place. It took Markus some time to figure out why.
Over the years, he’d been around Lukus and dozens of his women, but never once had one looked so at home. Not only was Tiff lounging in one of Lukus’s dress shirts, she was watching Lukus cook instead of actually doing it herself. She looked like she belonged here, and that in-and-of-itself was unfamiliar. But it was what she said next that almost blew his mind.
“Honey, can you pour me some more coffee? You may burn bacon, but you make a mean cup of Joe.”
Honey? WTF? Lukus waiting on her? I think we’ve entered theTwilight Zone. Someone swapped out Lukus with an imposter overnight.
Markus felt Bri pull her hand away and he watched his wife rush forward to greet her best friend.
“Morning, Tiff. I’m so glad to see you’re still here.” Markus could see his wife’s mischievous grin before she turned to address her host. “Breakfast smells wonderful. Have any coffee to spare, Lukus?”