Page 25 of Having It All

“I’m guessing your poor ass isn’t feeling quite as lucky this morning and if it is, maybe I didn’t do a good enough job punishing you last night.”

“Oh, no. You definitely did a good enough job. Between you and Lukus, I’m pretty sure my ass isn’t going to get back to normal for a few days.”

“Sorry, but I think you’re gonna have to get used to a new normal, my dear.” Markus nibbled on her neck as he snuggled in closer.

Bri chuckled softly. “I was just thinking about that too, Sir.”

“Damn, I love hearing you say that, sweetheart.” Markus allowed his right hand to find the swell of her hip, gently stroking down to her ass, his touch possessive.

“I love saying it. It still feels a bit like a dream. Like I’m going to wake up and be back down in that cage.”

“I wish you’d stop reminding me of that. God, I was a complete ass to leave you here alone, knowing what you were gonna go through.”

“Markus, let’s not go over this again. I understand how upset you were. I deserved what happened to me. It’s what had to happen for us to not only get past my infidelity, but more importantly it set things in motion for us to understand how we need to introduce D/s into our marriage. How else could you have ever forgiven me?”

With a sigh, Markus sat up, flipping her onto her back, quickly lifting her arms above her head, sitting across her waist, trapping her against the bed in a flash. “You’re right of course, but I still don’t have to like it. In fact, speaking of forgiving, we agreed there would be no more secrets. I meant it when I said last night that all was forgiven. And it is. But there’s one more thing that’s still bothering me that we haven’t talked about yet. I need to get it off my chest because it really hurt me.”

Bri could see the flicker of anger cross his face and knew she’d been too optimistic thinking they could put her infidelity behind them so quickly. He may have forgiven her, butforgetting… that would take a lot longer.

I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it up to him.

Markus let several tense seconds pass by before finally voicing his concern. “How many times have I asked you to try anal sex?”

Bri’s heart rate shot up. She should have anticipated this. “I don’t know, honey, but I know what you’re thinking.”

“Do you? I somehow doubt it.”

“I didn’t ask him to—really. I’ve always said, ‘no.’ He didn’t listen.”

“I don’t give a shit. That was mine, Brianna. That bastard took what’s mine.”

Brianna’s heart raced, unfortunately remembering the agony Jake had inflicted on her body. Seeing the anger in her husband’s eyes made that pain worse. If he knew the whole truth, would it even make a difference?

She hesitated, afraid to open a whole new can of worms, but then chastised herself for even considering keeping more secrets from the man she loved. Bri took a deep breath and dived into her reply. “I hate it, but I think we should talk about what you heard when you were listening in with Lukus.” She paused as his eyes widened, clearly not expecting her to bring it up.

“Why would you want to talk about that?” Markus asked, anger blazing in his eyes.

Brianna refrained from reminding him that he had been the one to bring the subject up. Instead, she reached up to softly cup his stubbled face just inches away. “Honey, I thought we weren’t going to avoid talking about the hard stuff.” Her words dowsed his anger, leaving only appreciation in his eyes.

“Damn, you’re right. I hate it, but we can’t pretend I didn’t hear what I heard. That a part of me died listening you coming while he…”

That hearing his wife having sex with another man hurt him did not surprise Brianna. But, the unknown at the moment, was if telling him exactly whathadhappened in that room would make her husband feel better, or worse.

“I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I wish you and Lukus had started listening earlier… or even could have been watching too, not just listening. Maybe then you’d have been able to see…” Bri’s voice trailed off, suddenly unsure how Markus would take the news.

“Trust me, Bri. Hearing you coming was bad enough.”

“So, Lukus didn’t tell you, did he?” she asked, quietly. She’d love to blame Lukus, but this was her mess to clean up. He’d done enough. The angry confusion on his face was her answer so she forged ahead. “What was the first thing you heard?”

“I heard enough,” Markus insisted, agitated.

“What was the first thing?” she questioned, more pointed this time.

“The belting. You moaning again and again. Him calling me Vanilla and saying only he knew how to make you come. Him talking about lubing up your ass. I know what you sound like when you come. Don’t tell me you didn’t orgasm, Bri.” He was close to shouting by the time he’d finished his long list of dastardly deeds.

Bri stroked his face softly, waiting for him to calm again before saying words she suspected would hurt him, that was if he even believed her. “So you didn’t hear me demanding the hard drive?” When he didn’t answer, she continued. “Or me crying out, hoping to get the attention of someone passing by in the hall of the hotel? Or him tackling me and laughing as he tied me up and put duct tape over my mouth to keep me quiet?”

Markus closed his eyes, just inches above her. He shook his head as he forced himself to recall. The pain in his voice as he relived what he’d heard was real. “I don’t remember hearing your voice at all until… He kept calling you his slut… saying how tight… how perfect you were together. I heard you coming. Then it got really quiet and I thought you’d left, but I tried calling you and could hear the ringing so I knew you were still there. Then later, I could hear muffled talking, but it must have been farther away from your purse because I couldn’t hear what was said. Then the door slammed and all I could hear was you crying.”